Globalization (Korean-wave or Korean-pop): During the semester we’ve been discussing a number of issues involved in the process of our world’s becoming a more global nation
During the semester we’ve been discussing a number of issues involved in the process of our world’s becoming a more global nation. For example: How do our individual, communal, and nationwide actions affect the world’s environment and economy? When is a country authorized to take legal/military action against another? How do we begin to assess the needs of the world on a more equitable basis and work to meet those needs? These are just a few of the questions that have been raised. Now it’s your turn to speak up. What part of the topic of globalization is most interesting to you? What part of it touches you most directly? Can you relate it to other areas of your life, such as family and friends, work experiences, your neighborhood or community? Do your other interests, hobbies, or academic major relate to it in any way? How can you apply your specialized knowledge about life to the issues raised by globalization? The proposal will give you a chance to identify a specific question that you will research, analyze, and synthesize. Doing the annotated bibliography will give you a better sense of the research surrounding your topic and will lay the groundwork for the evidence you will use in the paper.
Your task is to write a research proposal for your final project. At this point, your topic will be somewhat broad, but it is important for you to identify some part of globalization that you want to explore. Your topic should be something you find interesting as well as something you can enjoy researching and writing about for the next several weeks. Your research proposal should be guided by a specific question. What do you want to know more about regarding globalization? You will write a two-page proposal using the template below to answer each question in a full paragraph, and you will include an annotated bibliography of four sources. Each source should include a 2-4 sentence description that will give the overall argument, the significance of the source, and how it will be helpful to your inquiry.
Address each prompt below in one paragraph.
I. What is the question you are asking?
II. What broad, public conversation does your inquiry respond to? Explain how this issue has been explored within specific academic disciplines.
III. What is your working thesis? How do you plan to answer the question outlined in I?
IV. Describe or outline how you will answer your question, build your case, and support your thesis.
V. What are some of the counterarguments that others might make?
Evaluation Criteria:
Outline a specific research question that will lead to a working thesis.
Demonstrate that you have collected and reviewed relevant sources to the extent that you are able to write authoritatively on the research being done on your topic.
Clearly show how your working thesis addresses the research question you have posed. Include at least four bibliographic entries that conform to MLA guidelines.
Adequately explain the significance of each entry in the bibliography to your research question.
Produce a paper that is formatted correctly, and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.
Due dates:
First Draft for Peer Review: Friday, November 15
Second Rough Draft: Wednesday, November 20
Polished Final Draft: Wednesday, December 4
Readings and Resources:
Essentially, all of the texts that we have read in the course have been preparing you to write your documented research paper.
The goal of your writing a documented research paper is for you to become more familiar with a specific topic, while engaging with the ongoing conversation/debate that surrounds your point of interest. By now, you are ready to enter into an advanced discussion concerning the issues surrounding globalization and the ethical questions it raises. These issues have been examined and contested in many different ways and from numerous disciplines. Each approach has given a particular voice to one or more of the many ethical issues surrounding globalization. Now it is time to raise your own voice and take part in the conversation. Your job is to specialize your knowledge towards your chosen inquiry and take a distinct position based on your research.
The research paper requires you to formulate a specific argument based on the general issues dealing with globalization and its ethics. It is your choice as to the direction your research goes, but it is necessary that you formulate your own original claim that brings your insight into the ongoing discussion. Your argument must be clear and central to your paper, and you must address other critical sources that either further develop or complicate your inquiry. In your research paper, you will use all the skills learned from summary, analysis, and synthesis. The research paper is essentially a synthesis paper in which you draw your claim from a larger field of knowledge and where you must have conducted extensive research about your topic. For your final draft you must highlight all revisions and turn in a cover letter describing the revisions made to your final draft.
Sources, Documentation, and Format:
• Include a minimum of eight credible sources which are relevant to your inquiry: no more than three of these sources can be from class materials, and at least half of sources must be book chapters or academic articles (print or on-line through the library databases). One of your sources may be a website, but no more than one. (If you feel your particular topic requires you to use more than one website, talk to me about it.)
• You must cite each of your sources at least once in the body of your paper.
• Follow MLA format. It must be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.
Include in-text documentation and a complete works cited page, which acknowledges all sources used in your paper.
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