

  • Essay
  • November 4th, 2013

SPACEFORMANCE Case Study: is a music and theatre venue management company which was founded in 2003 Custom Essay

SPACEFORMANCE is a music and theatre venue management company which was founded in 2003. The company owns and operates a range of venues all over the UK which offer live music concerts and theatrical performances to the public. SPACEFORMANCE employs large numbers of employees who work at the venues to provide the necessary support. The company has as its heart to offer the best possible entertainment experience to the audience. Not only does the firm proposes performance events such as plays or concerts but as part of their evening out customers can have also a meal at the venue if they so wish, either before or after the performance. In addition the venues can also hosts one-off talks with directors of theatre plays to allow members of the audience to meet the directors and ask them any questions they may have on the plays which are being programmed by SPACEFORMANCE.

To attend an event, customers need to register their personal and payment details with SPACEFORMANCE. They can then select events they are interested in – concerts, plays, meals – and book tickets for them if there are sufficient tickets available and also if the age rating for the performance is suitable for them. They have the option to book tickets only for a performance (concert or play), just for a meal or for both on the same evening or on different evenings. The date, start time and end time of these various entertainment elements need to be recorded accurately to allow for proper coordination to offer the best possible choice to the customers. Once they have selected the particular set of events they wish to attend for one or more evenings, the total cost of the booking needs to be calculated. This needs to take into accounts the number of events the customer wishes to attend, the number of tickets he/she wishes to book for each event, the price of a ticket for a particular event and the potential membership discount they may benefit from if they are VIPs, as explained below.

Customers may get a yearly membership with SPACEFORMANCE, if they so wish, and thus become VIPs. This membership scheme allows VIPs to get a 20% discount on performance tickets and/or meal tickets. Furthermore, VIPs can get allocated a personal member of staff who cares for them during their evenings at any SPACEFORMANCE venues, if they are interested. Membership payments need to be made on a yearly basis and consist of a flat fee which is fixed by SPACEFORMANCE and can vary depending on the years. The date and the status of the membership payment – paid, pending, suspended, etc – need to be recorded.

As mentioned earlier, SPACEFORMANCE hosts both theatre plays and concerts. The details of the bands or musical ensembles which play these concerts need to be kept accurately – but not the details of the individual musicians – as fee payment needs to be made to the whole band or group for performing. On the other hand, all the members of the cast of a play, including the director, need to be registered as separate fee payments are made to each individual member of the cast for each play. Upon request, some actors, perhaps lead roles or high profile performers, can be assigned a particular member of staff to look after them at the venue and provide for their needs. It is essential for the payments of all fees to performers – bands or individual cast members – to be carefully recorded to ensure that the correct payments are being made to the correct people. As mentioned previously, directors of plays can also deliver talks if requested by SPACEFORMANCE to showcase their plays but these events are free of charge and the directors do not receive any payments for them.

Coursework Part A Specifications

You have been hired by SPACEFORMANCE as a database architect consultant to undertake a database project to support all the business processes carried out by the organisation. Your goal in this first part is to produce a high-quality CONCEPTUAL DATA MODEL to fulfil all the data needs of the company i.e. to conceptually represent how the key business data needs to be recorded and organised in a way that is meaningful to the company and this with a view to design a database system later.

1) Identify the main entity types for SPACEFORMANCE (including eventual generalised/specialised entities). Explain and justify how you identify these entities in a written section of no more than 300 words (± 10%). The use of bullet points or a table is required.
[10 marks for explanation and for correct entities on conceptual ERD]

2) Identify the main relationship types between the entity types of SPACEFORMANCE.
Explain and justify how you identify these relationships in a written section of no more than 300 words (± 10%). The use of bullet points or a table is required.
[12 marks for explanation and for correct relationships on conceptual ERD]

3) Determine the multiplicity constraints for each relationship type.
Explain and justify how you determine the multiplicities for each relationship in a written section of no more than 600 words (± 10%). The use of bullet points or a table is required.
[13 marks for explanation and for correct multiplicities on conceptual ERD]

4) Identify the attributes for the entities or relationship types. Also identify the primary keys for all the entities. Explain and justify how you determine these attributes and primary keys in a written section of no more than 300 words (± 10%). The use of bullet points or a table is required.
[10 Marks for explanation and for correct attributes and primary keys on ERD]

5) Produce a complete Conceptual Entity-Relationship Diagram for SPACEFORMANCE.
This needs to include all the entity types, relationship types, multiplicity constraints, attributes and primary keys that you have previously identified.
[Diagram with all previous explanations add up to 45 marks, additional 05 marks for readability]


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