

  • Essay
  • November 5th, 2013

Three of the characteristics/qualities emphasized in Pericles’ Funeral Oration and how they correspond to the character of Oedipus in the play Oedipus the King Custom Essay

Not long after Pericles died in 429 B.C.E., the Athenian playwright Sophocles presented to an Athenian audience what many consider to be his masterpiece, Oedipus the King. The character of Oedipus, in many ways, embodies the characteristics/qualities that Pericles had praised in his funeral oration just a few years earlier.
For this paper you will choose three of the characteristics/qualities emphasized in Pericles’ Funeral Oration that are listed below and describe how they correspond to the character of Oedipus in the play Oedipus the King. For each characteristic/quality that you choose, you must provide a quote from both Pericles’ Funeral Oration in the Thucydides textbook and the play Oedipus the King in the Sophocles textbook to support your argument.
Characteristics/qualities to choose from:
1. Will to action
2. Achievement of Greatness no matter who you are
3. Courage
4. Action and Rational Discussion
5. Adaptability
6. Intelligence and Restraint
7. Dedication to the needs and interests of the city
Sources and citations: The only sources you are allowed to use for this paper are Pericles’ Funeral Oration in the Thucydides textbook and Oedipus the King in the Sophocles textbook. If you use any other sources, your grade will be penalized. You can either use quotations taken directly from the texts or you can paraphrase. Whichever method you choose, you MUST provide a citation for your paraphrase or quote. Examples of proper quotations/citations are listed below. It is important not to make your quotes too long (no more than one sentence). If they are too long, your grade will be penalized.
Example quotation with proper citation:
As Pericles states in his funeral oration, “In sum, I say that our city is a lesson for Greece…” (Thucydides, pg. 43).
As Oedipus states, “Let them all hear! Their sufferings distress me more than if my own life were at stake” (Sophocles, pg. 51).
Example paraphrase with proper citation:
As Pericles states in his funeral oration, Athens is a lesson for all of Greece (Thucydides, pg. 43).
As Oedipus states he was more distressed by the people’s sufferings than his own (Sophocles, pg. 51).
Do not include a bibliography or list of works cited for this paper. Also make sure that you do not use any sources except for Pericles’ Funeral Oration and Sophocles’ Oedipus the King.
Paper Mechanics
 4-5 pages in length Note: the first full page of your paper begins with the first line of the first paragraph of the paper (i.e. your name, date, my name, class name, etc. do not count towards the length of the paper)
 Typed and Stapled
 Double-spaced
 12 point font
 One inch margins on all sides
Make sure that you proofread your paper before you submit it for a grade. Spelling and grammar errors will be penalized in the overall grade. I have provided a grading rubric below which gives the potential points for each aspect of the paper.
As it states in the syllabus, you will be allowed to rewrite this paper. If you choose to do a rewrite, the following criteria must be met:
1. The original paper must be handed in on time.
2. The original paper must meet all paper mechanics requirements (length, font size, spacing, and margins).
If you wish to rewrite this paper, you must meet with me or Michael (your TA) to go over the paper and discuss what aspects can be improved and the strategy for their improvement. This discussion will help facilitate your rewriting process. Rewritten papers will be held to the same grading rubric as the original paper.
All rewrites are due on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. In order for your rewrite to receive consideration, the hardcopy of the original graded paper must be attached.
An Important Note on Plagiarism
Plagiarism is using the ideas or words of someone else without acknowledging them as the other person’s. However, “common knowledge” cannot be plagiarized.
For example:
 Incorporating someone else’s words verbatim without indicating this with quotation marks and indicating what the source is. This applies to traditional published sources like books and information found on the internet and unpublished sources. Copying another student’s words is plagiarism.
 Incorporating someone else’s language but changing a few words without acknowledgment.
 Using someone’s original idea without giving them credit for it.
 An idea which is commonly known or can be found in many places constitutes “common knowledge” and can be referred to without attribution.
My Advice on Plagiarism:
 When in doubt, acknowledge the source.
Consequences of Plagiarism
The minimum punishment for plagiarism is a “zero” for the assignment. At the instructor’s discretion you may also receive a failing grade for the course.


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