

  • Essay
  • November 6th, 2013

The National Association of Trauma Specialists (NATS) has a monthly newsletter, Traumatic, that focuses on research findings in brief, the association's lobbying efforts at the state and national levels, and interpretations of and opinions about proposed legislation that may affect emergency care Custom Essay

The National Association of Trauma Specialists (NATS) has a monthly newsletter, Traumatic, that focuses on research findings in brief, the association’s lobbying efforts at the state and national levels, and interpretations of and opinions about proposed legislation that may affect emergency care.
The NATS leadership now wants to produce a second monthly newsletter.
This new one will focus on the people who provide emergency care. The idea behind this newsletter is to humanize the process for NATS members.
The thinking is that the stress level is so high among people who work in emergency medicine that a newsletter is needed whose content is very personal, empathetic and inspiring, thus making people feel better about themselves and their work.
Your supervisor at ProCom has asked you to come up with a name, an editorial treatment, and a design for this newsletter.
Here are four general steps for this assignment:

1. Name the newsletter. (Explain why you selected this title.) How do you plan to distribute it (mail, e-mail, Web site link, etc.)? What is its tone?

2. Develop a list of information categories that will appear in each issue. Don’t forget to consider items of interest to employees. Your newsletter must include two-way communication (NATS officials to NATS members as well as NATS members to NATS officials.)

3. Prepare several short articles (an average of three to five paragraphs each) to bring your information categories to life. Strong verbs and short sentences work best. Feel free to add direct quotes by NATS officials and/or employees.

4. Come up with a workable design. (You may use a newsletter template.)

5. Add appropriate headlines and headers above your articles and information categories.
Note: The newsletter should be created in Microsoft Word, thus keeping everyone on the same page. Please read Chapter 14 (Newsletters) in your textbook before starting work on
this assignment.

You will be graded on clean designs, captions, headline, and general writing.


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