

  • Essay
  • November 7th, 2013

Japanese studies: shokunin: Using the documentary film Jiro Dreams of Sushi and the essay Custom Essay

Japanese studies: shokunin: Using the documentary film Jiro Dreams of Sushi and the essay �Irretrievably in Love with Japanese Cuisine,� consider whether or not a Hong Konger could become a �shokunin????�.

— What is shokunin?
— What are the characteristics?
— What does it take to become one?
— What kind of challenges is a Hong Konger (or a person from your country) likely to face in the process?
— How would this affect sushi that is served outside of Japan?

*** PLEASE NOTE: No outside sources (internet, Wikipedia, etc.) are permitted for this paper. Therefore, for this essay, only use the documentary film Jiro Dreams of Sushi and the essay �Irretrievably in Love with Japanese Cuisine� for reference!!!

– Length: Five full pages (standard margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman, Font Size 12)
– Title: Must have a creative title for the paper, which reflects its contents.
– Page numbers must be included on all pages.

Paper structure generally involves three sections.
– Introduction: outlines the general topic and argument of the paper, with a clear thesis statement
– Body: uses the texts (both the movie and the selection from �Irretrievably in Love with Japanese Cuisine�) to support the thesis statement
– Conclusion: recaps the arguments, and elaborates on the original thesis statement.

– Sparingly use direct quotes from the text. At least 90% of the text should be in your own words. The analysis of the quote should be double the length of the quote itself.

Link to the full movie with eng subtitle: https://viooz.co/movies/10806-jiro-dreams-of-sushi-2011.html

Please, in the research paper, use specific examples in the movie and also the �Irretrievably in Love with Japanese Cuisine� as reference. Please do not summarise the story, there should be in depth analysis addressing the question. Please refer to the guidelines above!

Please try to write the essay as best as you can. I have a related assignment on sushi later on and I will find you as my preferred writer if this essay works out well! Thank you in advance for your kind help in writing the paper!


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