

  • Essay
  • November 18th, 2013

Project on any Burger company: The aim of this group project is to develop a student’s interactive working techniques in order to enhance student learning of course content Custom Essay

The aim of this group project is to develop a student’s interactive working techniques in order to enhance student learning of course content. The Group Project is a major piece of work in this course. The Group Project is intended to increase awareness and understanding of the nature and significance of strategic behaviour of companies within a changing global environment through knowledge gained from reading the textbook and supplementary materials, lecture notes, and materials gathered on the subject by group members and peer discussions.

The total number of students in the group will depend on the number of students enrolled in the course. However, the total number of students assigned to a group will be no more than five (5). Each group is to appoint a Group Facilitator by the start of Week 5, 8 October 2013, and the group facilitator is to inform the Course Co-ordinator via email to confirm his/her appointment as Group Facilitator. The Group Facilitator is to steer the discussion during the course. This does not preclude other group members from communicating with the Course Coordinator. Should any issues arise, it is important that group members discuss within the group environment via Group Discussion Board prior to the contacting the Course Co-ordinator. If issues cannot be resolved, any group member is permitted to contact the Course Coordinator.

Given the nature of this assessment task, i.e. group project, it is important that members of the group moderate each other to ensure members make worthwhile and fair contribution to the write-up. Group members are strongly encouraged to delegate tasks early and have regular discussions. If a member is not making a fair contribution to the project, in the opinion of other group members, then the group should attempt to resolve the matter by encouraging them through supportive email reminders and if not resolved the matter should be referred to the Course Coordinator for immediate action. Should you seek clarification on the group project, you may contact the Course Coordinator directly or post your query on the Discussion Board on Blackboard.

The Group Facilitator is to appoint sub-groups to discuss aspects of the project. In the end, the Group Facilitator is to submit the Group Project via Turnitin on Blackboard on the due date. Please indicate on the front page of the cover sheet the word count and list of students with student number that contributed to the group project. Marks may be deducted for assignments that are substantially over or below the 10% range.

14.22 Requirement for the Group Project

Your group will have to select a company anywhere in the world and prepare a report of 3000 words (±10%), excluding appendices and references. The report must address, among others, the following broad questions within the context of the assigned company:

• How is the global market environment impacting on the structure, conduct and performance of the company?
• To what extent does price or non-price competition erode the profitability of the company?
• To what extent does the actual or threat of potential entry erode the profitability of the company?
• To what extent does competing products from outside the company erode the profitability of the company?
• To what extent does this company have economic power to charge higher prices? Here, you should focus on the market structure within which the company you selected operates.
• What strategies have the company used to remain competitive in the ever changing global economy?

In writing the report, students are encouraged to access information on the company via internet. The group report should be well structured and written as a Business Report on the company. The report should have a one-page executive summary, and this should be of sufficient standard that it could be presented to Senior Management or Board of Directors of the company. The Group Project is not simply a summary of published material on the company website but rather a critical review of developments within the company. Refer to ‘Report Writing’ in the NGSB Student Manual for guidance.

All citations are to be provided using in-text citations (e.g. Smith 1999), with full details of all references used placed at the end of the report. (Please refer to the Student Manual for further details about referencing.) Note that ‘URLS’ are to be confined to the reference list, and are not to appear in any citation in the body of report. Importantly, no anonymous sources are to be used. You can use newspapers and broadcast media report, provided these are referenced correctly. For example, if you refer to a broadcast relevant to your industry topic, then cite the name of the program, broadcast station, presenter’s name if known, and date of the broadcast. Refer to the Student Manual if unclear or contact the lecturer.

Tables, Diagrams and Graphs are encouraged and may either be provided as appendices or embedded in the body of the work. In general, tables should be provided as appendices, unless a particular table is very relevant to a point being made in the text; for example, summarising descriptive information about the growth of the company. The report must have a structure, follow a logical sequence, and have a professional layout. Appendices should be labelled A, B, C etc. and be included at the end of the report. The style, or ‘tone’ of the report should be ‘business-like’ and clearly set out.

12.23. Group presentation
Each group is to make a brief group presentation around Week 9 and
Week 10 in class on its chosen topic. The purpose of this group presentation is to provide an outline of the Group Project, detailing the issues to be discussed in the report. There will be a 15 minute presentation followed by a 5-10 minute discussion.

12.24 The assessment of the Group Project.

• Group Projects will be graded out of 30%.
• Each group member is to complete a self and peer assessment via the Self and Peer Assessment Resource Kit (SPARK) to be made available via Blackboard at least 24 hour prior to submission of the Group Project. A folder will be created on Blackboard with instructions on how to access and use SPARK.
• Each Group Member is to complete their self and peer assessment by the due date to be posted on Blackboard.
• Each group project will be given a mark out of 30. This mark is then moderated by the SPARK assessments so that each group member will receive an individual mark out of 30, which becomes the official mark for the group project.
• The assessment criteria for SPARK are:
o Preparation
o Ability to lead and promote discussion
o Reliability in meeting deadlines
o Substance of contribution
o Ability for source information
o Ability to integrate information
o Ability to communicate clearly in writing
o Ability to motivate others
o Enthusiasm
o Ability to work with others
Instruction files


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