

  • Essay
  • November 19th, 2013

Political Parties/Political Leaders Custom Essay

Write a 500-1500 word analytical essay (approximately two to six double-spaced pages) that compares and contrasts the role of political parties in China and Peru. (It is not necessary to discuss more than one party in each country, but you are free to discuss more.) In doing so, be sure to address the following sub points:

1. In what ways and to what extent is political ideology a defining element of party identity in China and Peru?

2. What methods or tactics have political parties employed to establish their legitimacy in China and Peru? What type of legitimacy (results, habit, identity, or procedures) did they aim for or achieve?

3. In what ways and to what extent have political parties set the political agenda and monopolized political recruitment in China and Peru?

4. Identify how political competition occurs either within or between political parties in China and Peru.
A good essay will address both the main topic (comparing and contrasting the role of political parties in China and Peru) and the subsequent supporting questions (numbers one through four). Rely on the definitions and examples from the Comparative Governance textbook and the course readings to bolster your essay. You have more than enough information in these sources to complete the task; it is not necessary to do any further research or reading. The essay should have a brief introduction, related and supporting paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Do use proper spelling and grammar. Cite (any format is acceptable) the source where you learned your definitions or examples. Be sure to stay within the word count limitations so as to avoid any penalties.
Your essay will be evaluated as follows
Addressed essay topic: 30%
Answered point 1: 10%
Answered point 2: 10%
Answered point 3: 10%
Answered point 4: 10%
Spelling, grammar, and organization: 20%
Citations: 10%

Final Essay Exam B: Political Leaders

Write a 500-1500 word analytical essay (approximately two to six double-spaced pages) that compares and contrasts the role of individual political leaders in China and Peru. (It is not necessary to discuss more than one leader in each country, but you are free to discuss more.) In doing so, be sure to address the following sub points:

1. What methods or tactics have individual political leaders in China and Peru used to mobilize political support?

2. What practices or political institutions (the executive, legislature, judiciary, military, etc.) did strong political leaders in China and Peru rely upon to challenge political opposition and consolidate their power?

3. What were the views of individual political leaders in China and Peru toward the free market? What policies did they enact in support of their beliefs?

4. What were the successes and failures of individual political leaders in China and Peru?
A good essay will address both the main topic (comparing and contrasting the role of individual political leaders in China and Peru) and the subsequent supporting questions (numbers one through four). Rely on the definitions and examples from the Comparative Governance textbook and the course readings to bolster your essay. You have more than enough information in these sources to complete the task; it is not necessary to do any further research or reading. The essay should have a brief introduction, related and supporting paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Do use proper spelling and grammar. Cite (any format is acceptable) the source where you learned your definitions or examples. Be sure to stay within the word count limitations so as to avoid any penalties.
Your essay will be evaluated as follows
Addressed essay topic: 30%
Answered point 1: 10%
Answered point 2: 10%
Answered point 3: 10%
Answered point 4: 10%
Spelling, grammar, and organization: 20%
Citations: 10%
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Please choose one you think to get good grade.


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