

  • Essay
  • November 23rd, 2013

Globalization Strategy Analysis of Tim Hortons: Identify a company in the news that is under-performing (define it) and explore its strategic options Custom Essay

1) Identify a company in the news that is under-performing (define it) and explore its strategic options. I expect a full analysis of the company’s industry position and thoughtful alternatives. This is not creative writing and your grade depends on how actionable your recommendation is.
2) A turnaround strategy for a failing business. Identify a company that is underperforming in its industry and conduct a thorough strategic assessment. What are the alternatives for turning this company around? You need to be realistic and practical. A company’s future depends on you!
3) Growth strategy for a mature industry. Identify a company in a mature industry which is in need of growth opportunities. What can this company do? You may look at alternatives like mergers and acquisitions, divestures, and entering into new businesses. But these choices have to make sense given the capabilities and resources of the company in question. This topic may seem reminiscent to some of you: investment bankers think of opportunities like these all day in hope to seal the next big deal.
4) Pick a company that has been successful for a while and seems it can do no wrong. Is this going to last? Identify the potential strategic challenges it will face in the short, medium, and long terms. What does management need to do to ensure its future success? (advanced topic)
5) Study a strategic failure of a major company and document the root causes. Was it bad strategy? Was it poor execution? Could it be bad luck? (unlikely, but possible) Mistakes and failures are valuable learning tools; even better if they are other’s mistakes and failures. Can you see a parallel to what is going on today? (advanced topic)
The expected length of your report is no more than 30 pages. Use your judgment as to how to format your paper (ie font size, line spacing, etc). While there is no hard limit on word count, please make sure your report is professional and readable as a printed document. You are to submit your paper electronically (via email) to me before the deadline (last class). Late assignments are not accepted.
Your paper will be evaluated by a number of criteria, including but not limited to:
1) Style (free of grammatical errors and typos; references cited properly in APA style )
2) Quality of content, writing, and analysis
3) Use of concepts from the textbook and literature
4) Effort in research and editing

What I need to do is analysis. (4 sections —about 8-10 pages )

1. Background information. ( Focus on globalization strategy )
2. Internal analysis/SWOT analysis
strength,weakness, opportunity, threat.
3. External analysis/Porter’s Five Force
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
The bargaining power of suppliers is relatively high because suppliers’ goods are of a commodity type, or not. See how I got right to the point about how strong an influence this force is. I could even be quicker about it if I just put a colon after the heading and followed it with "High," Moderate," or "Low."
Bargaining Power of Buyers

e.g switching cost ( bargaining power is always relate to switching cost)

Threat of Entry

Is this threat high or low? What are the factors that influence it? Are there barriers to entry?

Threats from Substitute Products

Heaven help you if you discuss their competitors!

Industry Rivalry

Is this threat high or low? What are the factors that influence it? Are there barriers to exit?

4. Financial analysis ( 2012 financial report could be found on Tim Hortons’ offcial website )
e.g ROIC ? ROI?


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