Homeland Security: Chief Planning Officer of a large city in the eastern United States Custom Essay
You are the Chief Planning Officer of a large city in the eastern United States. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy your staff has developed a plan to build a large emergency sea gate (similar to the Thames Barrier outside London) to control major floods. Your scientists tell you that such floods can be expected once every 25-50 years, although climate change may increase their frequency. They also say that such a barrier is feasible but its cost would require either a significant tax increase or abandonment of the mayor’s program to improve education in the city. As an alternative, the staff has developed a second set of plans, to build a smaller surge barrier that will protect against smaller storms but will be overtopped by storms the size of Sandy. A third alternative is to do nothing by way of prevention and instead invest a small amount in increased resilience measures such as pumps in the subway stations. The mayor has asked for your analysis and recommendations. He will also want to know the basis for your recommendations. Write the memo.
Question 2
Here is a hypothetical scenario. Suppose that it is late 2017 and the new President and Congress have established a “Critical Infrastructure Investment Department.” Although all parties agree that there are hundreds of billions of dollars worth of potential investments, the program has a guaranteed appropriation of only $20 billion a year for 10 years—still a lot of money, but not enough to fund everything. So who, or what, should get the funds? You are the new Assistant Secretary for Planning, and the Secretary asks you to recommend the criteria that should be used to prioritize potential recipients. Be as specific as possible; a priorities list that is too vague will end up with far too many potential recipients. Write a memo with your recommendations.
Mandatory APA FORMAT. Must be written on VERY HIGH COLLEGE level. No foreign writers unless English is perfect and far advanced. Must ONLY USE SOURCES ATTACHED. Must be critical analysis. Answer questions seperately.
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