

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Explain and illustrate the main processes and problems in person perception. Critically evaluate the importance of an understanding of this social perception for modern day managers Custom Essay

The assignment takes the form of 2 x 500 word short answer questions each with a 250 word answer plan. There are five possible short answer questions to choose from. These are listed below. only Two of these.

1. Explain and illustrate the main processes and problems in person perception. Critically evaluate the importance of an understanding of this social perception for modern day managers.

2. Critically evaluate the relationship between personality and stress and identify appropriate individual and organisational stress management strategies.

3. Give an example of a content theory. Critically evaluate your chosen theory in terms of its usefulness and practical application in work organisations.

4. Explain the difference between formal and informal groups. Analyse whether groups are always beneficial for organisations.

5. Explain why a person’s personality characteristics only have a limited influence on his/her ability to be an effective leader.

Your answers should demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the subject. A copy of the marking sheet to be used will be given (electronically) for your information (same as for original assignment –on Blackboard).

Marks will reflect
• breadth of knowledge (this is likely to include aspects of relevant theory and examples to illustrate application of theory in practice)
• depth of understanding (demonstrating awareness of the strengths and limitations of any alternative points of view)
• clarity (the ability to use the knowledge gained from reading to address the question set in a clear informative manner)• appropriate use and referencing of literature sources

Any source (or sources) of knowledge or information used in the essay should be referenced in the body of the essay and listed alphabetically by the author’s surname at the end of the assignment using the Harvard system. Direct quotations should be clearly identified by use of quotation marks. (Note that failure to identify quotations in this way is plagiarism and could result in failure of the module.) Some further guidance on how to reference literature sources used is attached to Blackboard- please read this carefully. If you have any doubts about what and how to reference sources, you should access the PLATO tutorial by selecting the Student Services tab in any Blackboard site.

Marking Scheme

The attached guidance is in addition to the general assessment criteria guidelines for degree classifications contained in your level handbook. Your attention is also drawn to the School policy on plagiarism and referencing and you should make reference to the University study guide web site www.edu.salford.ac.uk/studyskills


A reasonable understanding of the subject shown with evidence of some knowledge of key areas. Lacks breadth and depth of knowledge and discussion. Mainly descriptive, so whilst identifies key themes/principles posed in question, little evidence of evaluation/analysis. Some problems may be evident in demonstrating application of knowledge to the task. Evidence of appropriate reading but over reliance on a limited range of texts/websites and maybe too much emphasis on quotations. Answer presented adequately and structured logically but may be evidence of some repetition. Sources used are indicated in the essay as well as listed at the end.


Fulfils the criteria above (40-49) and additionally:
An understanding of the subject demonstrated with evidence of a reasonable breadth and depth of knowledge. Descriptive in places, but some attempt to analyse and evaluate information and apply it to the question appropriately Evidence of wider reading and use of a variety of sources. Answer easy to follow and understand and is not repetitive.


Fulfils criteria above and additionally:
Demonstrates a good understanding of organisational behaviour concepts and theory. A fairly broad and deep knowledge of the areas discussed is shown. Good analysis of the question given. Effective use of the literature is made to back up arguments posed. The answer is well focussed and relevant throughout.

70 +

Fulfils above criteria and additionally:
A very good understanding of the principles of the subject is demonstrated with a good breadth and depth of knowledge shown. An ability to analyse and evaluate the knowledge and to draw justifiable conclusions is shown. Very good use of the literature to support and justify views expressed in the answer. Develops a well structured argument which is highly relevant to the task.


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