

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Cardiovascular Health Disparity Final Paper – Unless otherwise directed all formal papers and written work submitted for course credit shall conform to the guidelines outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Custom Essay

Unless otherwise directed all formal papers and written work submitted for course credit shall conform to the guidelines outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. Papers should be typed on standard size paper (8 ½ x 11) with uniform margins and page numeration as delineated in the manual.

Papers are to be typed in a Word document. Each paper should include a title page with the following information:

Title of Paper

Student’s Name

Course Number and Course Title

Instructor’s Name


Students are expected to read their papers carefully before submitting. Submitted papers should demonstrate an orderly presentation of

ideas and smoothness of expression. Material presented should represent original work produced by the student as a result of synthesis

and integration of concepts and ideas expressed by an author or variety of authors.

The purpose of this paper is for the student to present a scholarly discussion that addresses the state of the science of

Cardiovascular health disparity and the associated racial, gender, cultural, social, environmental, political and economic issues

related to the disparity.

In your discussion include recent related literature with an explanation of the methods/methodologies used, strength of evidence,

findings, actual and pending health policies that address CARDIOVASCULAR health disparity, and the implications of your investigation

to nursing education, practice and research. Include at least 20 articles in your discussion.

In this assignment, you may include no more than five (5) articles that you used in assignment two.

Evaluation Criteria

Specifically address each of the following areas in your paper:

I. Discuss the evidence and present state of the science associated with your health disparity in a specific population of interest


II. Analyze the cultural, economic, political, health policy and social justice issues associated with the disparity (20%)

III. Synthesize the findings of the literature and identify gaps and/or needs associated with the disparity (20%).

V. Discuss the implications to nursing education, practice and research (15%).

VI. Conclusion (5%)

• Quality and Source of References 10%

• Use of APA 05%


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