

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Health Policy: The online discussion this week will focus on a Conference Board of Canada report ranking Canada’s Health among 17 countries Custom Essay

The link takes you to a webpage with a summary of key information from the report. You have access to this report through Western University’s subscription – you should be able to click on this link if you are logged into OWL.
http://www.conferenceboard.ca/hcp/details/health.aspx You need only look at the summary on the webpage (not the actual report).
You can scroll through the webpage and see Canada’s “grade” on 11 indicators – We get an “A” for how we do on mortality due to circulatory diseases but a “C” for mortality due to diabetes. Some explanation is provided for why we do well in some areas and not so well in others. If you are unsure what an indicator means, just click on it and you will get the more detailed information about what it means. You do not need to discuss everything on this webpage – there is a lot of content. Scroll through, find topics that are of interest to you, and focus on those areas.
Your discussion this week should focus on applying what you have learned over the entire course to understand these health policy issues. Why do you think Canada does well in some areas and not others? What role does our health care system play in our ranking? What about the social determinants of health? What issues are already on government’s agenda or should be on the agenda? What issues should be the top priority for action? Why? What are some of the policy options for addressing areas where we don’t do well? What do you think about the rankings of other countries? Japan, Switzerland and Italy at the top and the US at the bottom? Why do you think the US is at the bottom? The author’s describe Canada’s ranking as middle-of-the-road. What do you think about Canada’s “B” grade?

I believe one of the reasons Canada does well in some areas but poor in other areas has to do with the decision making process. A mixed scanning approach to addressing issues is used more often due to its realistic approach. This approach requires decision makers to focus on a few problems that they perceive are important and create appropriate solutions for them while leaving other problems untouched. Heart disease has been persistently considered a major issue by many health organizations and therefore many decision makers will consider it a major issue in a mixed scanning approach. Issues like diabetes have ben disregarded by decision makers in the past due to the fact the level of prevalence was extremely low. This leads to the issue being unresolved resulting in a dramatic increase of those developing diabetes in recent times.


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