

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Organization Behavior: What should be included in the reflective journal? Custom Essay

You do not need to bring in other sources beyond the relevant unit resources for your chosen topic (ie. the topic lecture, the tutorial/learning activity and discussion questions, the journal readings and the applicable text book chapter), but you CAN.
If you choose to use other sources to aid in your reflection, that is definitely fine – but you need to appropriately acknowledge them using Harvard referencing. This may be more applicable for your later reflective journal submissions as your reflection builds on the resources/concepts of earlier topics.
The important point is to think about aspects such as what you have learned, the strengths and weaknesses of concepts within the topic (or indeed, the premise of the topic overall), and what the theory might be in practice, you need to bring together the ideas and discussions from the various resources to inform your reflection.

What content should be included in each journal?
Each journal entry should include the following content:
1. Learning: what I have learnt? Reflection on learning from lecture, tutorial and assigned journal reading for the topic.
2. Relevance: how relevant is the topic of study? This should include a discussion of strengths and weaknesses of the key theories/ideas/concepts for the topic. You will need to make reference to the assigned journal readings for the topic.
3. Reflection: to what extent do the concepts/ideas and theories reflect what happens in my work place? (If you are not currently working then reflect upon a previous place of employment or an organisation for which you are familiar). How can I make use of this learning in a future situation? For this section you may choose to focus on one or two key aspects of the topic.
The marking criteria also support these descriptions in terms of what we are looking for you to provide in your submission (also copied below). The important aspect is that your writing demonstrate your reflection – that is, showing how you have thought about these different aspects.
• Analytical discussion of the topic (not just a description or summary).
• Discussion includes reflection of lecture content, tutorial activities, and assigned reading.
• Discussion of what you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the key theories/ideas and concepts for the topic.
• Discussion is linked to the assigned reading.
• Discussion of the extent to which the topic illuminates aspects of organizational behaviour at your place of work.
• Discussion of how you might make use of learning in a future situation
• Correctly formatted and proper attention given to spelling, grammar and sentence structure.
• Where appropriate, references are used to support arguments and ideas.
• References are formatted according to Harvard system of referencing.


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