

  • Essay
  • November 26th, 2013

Talk to a parent or grandparent about sex. For this assignment, instead of attending an event, you could choose to interview a parent or grandparent about some aspect of sex Custom Essay

1 Talk to a parent or grandparent about sex. For this assignment, instead of attending an event, you could choose to interview a parent or grandparent about some aspect of sex. The first two paragraphs should summarize the questions you asked and the person’s response and the last paragraph or two should cover your thoughts about this interview.
• 2 “81 Words” a radio clip. Listen to the “This American Life” story about how in 1973 the American Psychiatric Association decided that homosexuality was no longer a mental illness. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/204/81-words
• 3 Listen to the podcast entitled “The Cell That Started a Pandemic” from Radio Lab http://www.radiolab.org/2011/nov/14/
• 4 Listen to the podcast entitled “Twenty-three weeks, six days” about a tiny baby born at 23 weeks and 6 days of gestation or halfway to full term to learn about the unfolding of underlying moral and medical questions. http://www.radiolab.org/
• 5 Approved movies available any day at the UCR Media Library 2117 INTS (827-5606) Monday through Thursday 9 AM -6 PM and Friday 8 AM to 5 PM. If you chose to watch one of the movies listed below, make sure you describe the movie in detail, especially those aspects that relate to what we are learning this quarter in Biology 30. You do not need to watch the movie in the UCR Media Library if you have access to a DVD copy of one of these movies: 1. “MILK” 2. “Kinsey” 3. and “The Band Played On”.
• 6 Read Two Chapters of your choice in “Guide to Getting It On” 7th edition on reserve in the Orbach Science Library. List the titles of the two chapters and describe the contents and then describe your reactions and how it relates to what you are learning in Biology 30.


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