

  • Essay
  • December 3rd, 2013

The writings of George Orwell, Terry Tempest Williams, Hannah Arendt, and Martin Luther King, Jr., all demonstrate a keen awareness of how power can be exercised to change society in just or unjust ways Custom Essay

Writer’s choice

Write an essay of at least six full pages (typed in Times New Roman 12 point font, double-

spaced, with one inch margins) based on your reading of one or more of the assigned texts.

The writings of George Orwell, Terry Tempest Williams, Hannah Arendt, and Martin Luther King,

Jr., all demonstrate a keen awareness of how power can be exercised to change society in just

or unjust ways. Analyze an assigned text from at least one of these authors in order to

increase your own understanding of the just and unjust uses of power, and apply those insights

to a current issue or struggle (e.g. the war in Syria, LGBTQ rights, or immigration policy,

just to name a few possibilities). How are the parties involved in your struggle exercising

various forms of power, and on what basis can you determine whether that power is being

exercised justly and to just ends?
For this assignment you are required to incorporate at least four research sources that enhance

your understanding of your topic. Two must be print sources (book or article published in an

academic journal, magazine, or newspaper). The others can be web sites, documentaries, or

interviews if you wish. All sources should be credible and appropriate for academic work. For

example, in an essay on HIV, the web site of the Centers for Disease Control would be

appropriate, but something some dude put on his blog probably wouldn’t be. You must cite the

essays you’ve used from our textbook and any research source you use both parenthetically and

in a works cited page in MLA format. This is an additional page at the end of your essay that

does not count toward the minimum page requirement. Be aware that Wikipedia and similar sites

are not considered appropriate academic research sources.


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