Analysis of an Authoritarian Election: One of the insights from today's class is that different parties represent different interests and that different people may win an election depending on how the votes are counted Custom Essay
Analysis of an Authoritarian Election: One of the insights from today’s class is that different parties represent different interests and that different people may win an election depending on how the votes are counted. Building on these insights, write a short paper that explains the election results of one of the five countries that you selected in Assignment 1. Your essay should focus on explaining which groups and interests won or lost the election and why this was the case. Your report is expected to follow the guidelines below.
The election report should be around 5 pages of text (double spacing 10- or 12-point font). Most will include a table or figure that highlights some of the election results, which is not included in the 5-page limit (note: include source of table to indicate where the data/table came from). All pages should be paginated and should employ proper citation and bibliographic form for a research paper. The paper should demonstrate that you have taken this course, which means that you should incorporate the concepts, theories, and findings covered in the course.
To establish some uniformity in grading, I require that your papers be structured under three headings:
1. Introduction (1 page should be adequate)
Here you should provide a thesis statement for your review and be specific on what issues you will focus on in your coverage.
Also, you will want to give a very brief overview of the election and the results of the election�at least the parts most relevant for your analysis below. You should not repeat all of the information you uncovered in Assignment 1 so what is most important in the introduction is your thesis and effort to set up the thesis for the next section.
2. Analysis (3 pages)
Here you want to look at the election results in the context of the country in question. You should make or include a simple table/graph to illustrate the results. Put the table at the end of the paper in an Appendix.
Some questions you might consider: Which groups and interests were the winners and losers (or indicate if the winners are difficult to identify)? What factors shaped the success or defeat of some of the key groups? To what extent did the specific electoral system shape the overall results? To what extent did electoral misconduct shape the overall results?
3. Summary and Conclusions (1 page)
Here you should discuss what you learned about this country’s election in the context of this class. Summarize your argument briefly and then try to move beyond the summary.
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