

According to the Glossary of Terms for LCME Accreditation Standards and Elements

From a comment in WSJ Aug 30, 2016 (http://www.wsj.com/articles/employers-find-soft-skills-like-critical-thinking-in-short-supply-1472549400) According to the Glossary of Terms for LCME Accreditation Standards and Elements (June 2016), “critical judgement/critical thinking is the consideration, evaluation, and organization of evidence derived from appropriate sources and related rationales during the process of decision-making. The demonstration of critical thinking requires the following steps: 1) the collection of relevant evidence, 2) the evaluation of that evidence, 3) the organization of that evidence, 4) the presentation of appropriate evidence to support any conclusions, and 5) the coherent, logical, and organized presentation of any response. (Elements 7.4 and 9.4)” Using the LCME steps for demonstrating critical thinking, can lead to better results if the evidence used to evaluate is obtained from reliable sources.


Learning Outcomes:

Through completion of this assignment, students will be able to demonstrate:

· Knowledge of the environments, political systems, economies, societies and religions of one country/region outside of the United States and an awareness of the transnational flow of goods, peoples, ideas and values.

· Knowledge of the role that different cultural heritages, past and present, play in forming values in another part of the world, enabling the student to function within a more global context.

· Knowledge of the elements, writing processes, and organizing strategies for creating analytical and expository prose.

· Effective rhetorical strategies appropriate to the topic, audience, context, and purpose.


Specific writing expectations for this assignment:

· Students will present logical arguments and effectively convey their conclusions by writing individual position papers.

· Students will correctly apply the rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling in all of their written assignments.

· Students will do outside research for written assignments.



Assignment Description:

This assignment will focus on a specific country and its surrounding region. Each student will prepare a research paper which will be 5-8 pages in length (excluding cover and citations pages). This is equivalent to 1300-2000 words. You will also conduct a review of 3 of your peers’ papers via a Moodle Discussion Forum. Instructions for the peer reviews will be provided separately.


Scenario: You are a professional business consultant. One of your clients is considering establishing a business in your country of expertise (if it helps your research, you can choose the type of business such as a factory, a retail chain, a call center, administrative office, etc. or a specific industry). You will gather and present facts about the business environment in a specific country and its role in the global business place.


This project will be graded on a 100-point scale


Country Selection:

1) You may select any country that interests you, provided another student in your class has not already chosen that country. Your first opportunity to select a country will be in class on Tuesday October 17th. Names will be drawn randomly and countries will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. After class on October 17th, e-mail Professor Hanlon with your country choice or any changes.

2) The assignment list for selected countries will be placed in Moodle.



This paper is an exercise in critical thinking. You will be expected to select relevant information, interpret the information, and compare the information to at least one other country. You should also make an effort to demonstrate your knowledge of the material covered in class by applying the course concepts to your country. If used, the course textbooks must cited as one of your resources.


The following information should be addressed in your paper:

1) Background (Be brief; 1-2 paragraphs)

a) The basics for each country.

b) Description of the country’s political and economic systems.

2) Economic conditions which might include GDP performance, standard of living and economic sectors. Conduct data comparisons over time. What does the data indicate about trends?

3) Business and financial information which might include factors of production, major products and services, primary imports and exports, and trade measures.

a) Discuss trade between your selected country and at least one of its significant trading partner(s).

4) Culture:

a) Discuss factors of business etiquette specific to this country.

b) Relevant social and cultural considerations which might include ethnic and religious influences, language(s), education, and other topics. Discuss those topics that you think might be relevant to doing business in or with your country. What relevance does the information you presented have with regard to business?

5) Current Topics, Events and issues:

a) Identify and describe at least two (2) relevant and current topics and/or events that could impact a decision to do business in or with this country. Consider current topics and/or events from categories such as current events, business, economics, social, political, and/or technological.

i) Topics should also be relevant to understanding this country, its people and culture. Be sure to include information on relevant transnational issues.

ii) Why are these topics, events or issues relevant to understanding the country, its people and culture?

iii) What are the business impacts of the information that you have chosen to report on (local, regional and/or global)?

6) Recommendations and Conclusion: Discuss the advantages, disadvantages and risks associated with doing business in or with this country. Would you recommend doing business in or with this country? If so, why and in what manner; if not, why?

7) Graphs and Charts: You are expected to include and discuss at least one graph/chart related to a specific topic on your country. Topics that lend themselves well to graphs and charts include economics, trade, people/culture statistics. Graphs and charts do not have to be embedded in the body of your paper. You can attach them to the back of the paper, but make sure you discuss them in the body of your paper.

Research guidelines:

1) You are expected to cite at least 3 resources.

2) Research can be performed on-line. Resources should be considered credible and reliable from a business or academic perspective.


a) Refer to Kresge Library resources at the following link (from this link select Management then any of the references for MGT110):



b) NOTE: Blogs, Wikis and/or any other “open source” materials (Websites that anyone can edit, contribute to or otherwise make changes to) are not considered legitimate academic sources that are credible or reliable sources in this class. DO NOT USE these sources for any assignments in this class!

c) NOTE: Data from the “Economic Freedom Index” (Heritage Foundation or Wall Street Journal) is flawed. Do not use.

3) Use of the APA style for writing citations is required.


Paper Guidelines:

1) The paper must be at least 5 pages (1300 words) long, excluding cover and citations pages.

2) Pretend that I have hired you as a consultant, and that you are hoping that the success of this project will lead to future business for your consulting company.

3) Take advantage of the writing skills developed using Write Experience.

4) You must use the APA style of writing (NOTE: An abstract is neither required nor expected). For additional guidance, refer to the University of Wisconsin’s Writer’s Handbook guidelines at https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/DocAPA/DocAPA.html or the Kresge Library’s student writing guidelines at http://research.library.oakland.edu/sp/subjects/guide.php?subject=Writing

5) Create an electronic copy in either the .pdf or MS Word format. Cover pages, body, and citations may be submitted as separate files.

6) Citations are required.

7) Refer to the document “MGT1100 Guidelines for Writing Term Papers” found elsewhere in this section of Moodle for paper formatting guidelines.

8) Papers must be posted to a designated Discussion Forum on Moodle.


MGT110 Tour of the World Project – pg. 1


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