

Assignment – MGT – 321

Assignment – MGT – 321

Introduction to International Business

Semester – I [2017 – 2018]

Assignment Purposes/Outcomes:

After completion of this assignment students will able to

• Evaluate the characteristics of International trade.

• Demonstrate effective use of international trade theory and culture.

• Explain the challenges and strategies of International Business.

• Analyze basic concepts of organizations of international business and funding agencies.

• To apply critical thinking on Middle East trade standards by the students.

• Interpret & describe the significance findings of Saudi Vision 2030 & BREXIT:

Pros & Cones for GCC.

Assignment Workload:

• The Project is assigning on an individual assignment.

• Project must solve between 2000 to 3000 words limit.

• Discussion will conduct through posting on “Discussion Board”.

• Presentation is assigning in-group based on project findings.

Assignment Regulation:

• All students are encouraged to use their own word.

• Student must apply Harvard Referencing Style within their reports.

• Student are allowed to cite 10% from the word limit (2000-3000 word limit means

200-300 words can be cited).

• A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other

resource without referencing it.

Assignment Structure:

Assignment No. Type of Assignment Marks

Assignment – 1 Project 15

Assignment – 2 Instructor’s Discretion – [Quiz / Case Study/ Discussion / Any one] 10

Total 25


Project Total: 15 Marks

You are a Managing Director of a Swedish company and considering an investment in Middle East and

management is in the process of evaluating the specific country locations for this investment. The pool

of candidate countries has been narrowed to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

Prepare a short report with the help of following points:

1. Compare the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) environment & regulations of the Countries. [4.0 Marks]

2. Analyze the values of these countries’ currencies. [US, Japan, UK, Swiss & France] [1.5 Marks]

3. Analyze the Political and Economic challenges. [4.0 Marks]

4. Analyze the Legal and Cultural challenges of each country. [4.0 Marks]

5. Explain your chosen Market Entry strategy in each country with reason. [1.5 Marks]

Solution Hints: Explore the Trade Regulations, Customs and Standards, Currency Values, Economic &

Business Environment, Political Environment, Cultural Analysis, Market opportunity, Market Entry


Assignment Submission:

The submission method will be through blackboard.

Allotment Week Mode of Assignment Submission – [ Week end Saturday ] Marks

Week – 4 Assignment -1 Week – 13 15

Week – 10 Assignment -2 Instructor’s convenient Time Schedule 10

Total 25

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