

Education work

Instructions: Please answer all questions below. Each question is equally weighted (50 points each). You will be graded on your ability to demonstrate that you mastered the material and can apply what you learned in Unit 2. In all cases, your answers should be detailed, organized, and illustrated with examples from course texts and class discussions. You must demonstrate that you have mastered the material and can apply what you have learned through the reading and in class. Answers to questions should be in complete sentences and writing must be legible.

If you need additional space to answer questions, please see your instructor for extra paper. Questions will be graded using the rubric below.


Question 1:

Individuals who advocate for more generous public support of higher education frequently criticize what they perceive as a social shift from viewing higher education as a “rite” to viewing it as a “privilege.” What is meant by this? Do you agree with this criticism? Cite specific examples from course readings and/or class discussions.


Question 2:

In what ways does society benefit from higher education? Describe 3-4 examples from course readings and/or class discussions.


Question 3:

In addition to societal benefits, what are some personal benefits of higher education? Describe 3-4 examples from course readings and/or class discussions.


Question 4:

Higher education is frequently referred to as a primary engine of social mobility. In what ways does postsecondary degree attainment support social mobility?


Question 4:

Describe 3-4 issues or challenges that threaten access to and equity in higher education. Support and illustrate your response with examples from class discussion and/or course readings.




Question 5:

The affordability of higher education is a prevalent issue facing college students as well as colleges and universities today. Describe 3-4 factors that have contributed to the rising cost of higher education.


Question 6:

What role (if any) should ethnicity/race and socioeconomic status play in college admissions? Support your response with examples from course readings and/or class discussion.


Question 7:

What are some benefits of engaging in college traditions and participating in campus life? Support your response with examples from course readings and/or class discussion.


Question 8:

What are the implications of the growing opportunity gap for American democracy? Support your response with examples from course readings and/or class discussion.


Question 9:

“Kids from more privileged backgrounds start and probably finish further and further ahead of their less privileged peers”. Describe 2-3 examples from course readings and/or class discussion about what can be done to help children from lower-income families begin to catch up with their peers from wealthier families.


Question 10:

How should higher education help us create the society we want? Describe three options to consider. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?


Question 11:

Provide one example of positive student activism. Describe what type of protest occurred and if the protest was successful. If you were the president at the protesting university, how would you react?


Question 12:

Alcohol and drug abuse on campus continues to be a major issue. How do university traditions and cultures influence drug and alcohol abuse on campus? What can universities do to address these issues?


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