

PMO Recommendation

The purpose is to synthesize current  research about the project management office (PMO) and develop a  recommendation for implementing a PMO in an organization. The final  Portfolio Project is structured to help you demonstrate an understanding  of the course material, as well as the implications of new knowledge  gained from outside research.

For this project, you are required to select a subject  organization for developing a PMO implementation recommendation. The  subject organization may be your workplace, an organization that you are  familiar with, or an organization that is based on your research. The  subject organization must evidence the characteristics and attributes of  a viable candidate for benefiting from a PMO. As part of the initial  Portfolio Project Assignment due in Module 5, you must secure instructor  approval for the organization selected for your Portfolio Project.

Based on analysis of your subject organization, write a  recommendation for implementing a PMO that is supported by PMO best  practices and standards. When writing the implementation recommendation,  assume the role of a highly regarded, project management professional  commissioned to review, analyze, and develop the necessary requirements  for the implementation of a successful project management office. Your  implementation recommendation should address the following key elements:

Subject organization information:
Organization name
Organization mission, vision, and values statement
Industry type and organization demographics
Organization culture
Executive sponsor and key stakeholders
PMO business case:
Extant project management assessment:
Project management methods
Project management tools
Project management experience
Project management maturity
Perceived PMO benefits for the organization:
Overarching business rationale
Long term measurable goals (3-4)
First year specific goals and metrics
Quantified value proposition (short and long term)
PMO Mission and Vision:
PMO mission and vision statement
Alignment with organization mission and vision
PMO stakeholders
PMO Charter:
Business purpose
Business alignment and affiliation
Empowerment authority
Fiscal management
Charter approval
PMO Recommendation:
PMO type
PMO structure
PMO culture
PMO staffing
PMO project methods
PMO project tools
PMO governance
PMO risk management
PMO business integration
Other relevant PMO considerations
Your essay should meet the following requirements:

Your properly- and well-written PMO implementation recommendation paper should be 12-15.
Cite at least six current scholarly resources.
Include an appendix for tables and figures.


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