

How can Video Games affect the society Custom Essay

The Task:
You are required to produce the demonstrates an applied business research problem or opportunity.
Assessment criteria:
Introduction (10%)
Area of interests and choice of research topic (20%)
Presentation of applied business research problem/opportunity/application or challenge including rationale (20%)
Demonstration of aims and objectives (20%)
Conclusions (10%) Learning Outcomes:
Appreciate the nature of business research and the research process.
Critically evaluate the quality of secondary data and published business research.

Assignment brief: Assignment 2: Final assessment component – Written Assignment/Essay
This is an individual assignment worth 80% of the module mark. Word length: equivalent of 3,500 – 4,000 words in total (do not exceed word limit, a penalty will apply for assignments that exceed it). Do not include references in the word count.
Relates to Learning Outcomes: Appreciate the nature of business research and the research process. Evaluate, critically, the quality of secondary data and published business research.
Determine the appropriateness of qualitative and quantitative methods to meet business research objectives. Design and present a research proposal to meet information needs in relation to solving a business problem.
Marking Scheme
Criteria Marks
Abstract and Introduction 20
Literature review and References 30
Research methodology 25
Discussion and results presentation 15
Conclusions 10

Assignment Brief – Final assessment component – Written Assignment/Essay
Form and Content of the Assignment
Final assessment components must be presented in a standard physical form. Your assignment must be printed on A4 paper, and spiral bound. For purposes of assessment, we require one hard copy and one electronic copy of the report. If you wish your project to be kept from public view you must include on the title page the word ‘Embargoed:’ and a date when this can be lifted. Project reports without an embargo may be placed on the shelves in the University Library and e-copies may be created. The paper used must be A4, except that larger sheets may be used for large illustrations, provided these are supplied folded down flat and neat with A4 dimensions. Typing of 1.5 line spacing is required, with a margin of at least 1.5 inches on the left hand side, and at least half an inch on each of the other three sides. You are required to number the sections of your work and use page numbering.
Due to the varied nature of individual projects, each one will require different written sections. However, the general style of layout should be similar to that in academic works and journals. That is, there should be an introduction, the main body of the work, a conclusion, and a final reference list. Harvard referencing style should be utilized. You are required to demonstrate appropriate selection, use and evaluation of tools, methodology and techniques through the written report. The practical work that took place must also be represented (pictures and/or screenshots may be used). You should discuss a draft outline of your project report with your adviser as they will be the first marker for your report.
The final project report should be 3,500 – 4,000 words (Do not exceed the word limit as a penalty will be applied. Do not include references in the word count).You must state the word count at the end of your report.

Structure for final essay
Abstract/Executive Summary – summarises the main points of the research essay (150-200 words)
Introduction – descriptive introduction of your essay (set the scene for the reader including the rationale and purpose of this study. State (or re-state) the aim and objectives of the topic you chose.
Literature Review – critical review of books, academic papers, practitioner articles, and other reporting materials for your area of study. You should compare and contrast the literature (compare –look for similarities, contrast – look for differences), and then provide a synthesis of the literature (a synthesis brings together a combination of concepts/ideas).
Presentation of results – present any results, evaluations, and findings
Discussion of your essay – consider the essay overall and highlight the main factors (link to literature and findings where possible).
Conclusion – summarise all that you have written about and highlight the main points and central argument/s for the reader.


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