

Major Film Role Acting Critique on The Majestic Research Paper

Topic: Major Film Role Acting Critique Descriptive, Original Title of Your Paper: Directions: Grab the reader’s attention by creating a fitting, descriptive title for your paper. You can summarize the content to follow in the title. Or, you can devise a clever title connected to something discussed in the body of your paper. The title serves the same purpose as a newspaper headline; it entices the reader to review what follows. Provide an opening paragraph. Introduce the film star/player, the film star’s role, and the film viewed to the reader. Describe the film’s plot in your own words. Note: When initially mentioning a character, let the reader know who portrays that character. Example: Joe (played by Tony Curtis) falls for Sugar (played by Marilyn Monroe) in Some Like It Hot. Create the body, or middle paragraphs, of your paper. Critique the acting of one star/player with a major role in a film. (Do not critique a small role.) Be sure to describe and focus on those aspects of the performance that the star brings to the filmthat which is not scripted by the writer(s) and not determined by the plot. These are performance nuances. You must use a film viewed in Lesson 7, “Film Viewing Assignment #4.” Describe as many of the following areas as you find appropriate. Here are the stars with the most major roles in the movie choices for Film Viewing Assignment #4: James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Albert Brooks, Julie Hagerty, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Rene Zellweger, Colin Firth, Jim Carrey, Laurie Holden, Toni Collette, Greg Kinnear, Abigail Breslin, Sandra Bullock, and Ryan Reynolds. the player’s physical appearance (approximate age, hair color and length, hair style/texture, approximate height, physical build, prominent features, etc.) player’s delivery of dialogue/lines (Effective? Ineffective? Strong? Weak? How so?) How well does the player deliver the goods? How well does the player help to move along the plot? What style of acting predominates? How realistic or stylized is the player’s acting style? vocal quality (soft-spoken, booming, squeaky, slurred, etc.) What is implied by the vocal quality? use of facial expressions (lots of, few of, expressive, inexpressive, eyebrows often raised when surprised, bites lower lip when nervous, etc.) What is implied by the facial expressions? use of body language (expressive, inexpressive, slouches, suggestive around men or women, clasps hands when nervous, etc.) What hand or arm gestures are employed? How does the player move? How does the player stand, sit, walk, and/or run? What is implied by the body language? What personality does the player portray on the screen? What qualities does the character portrayed possess? (Is the personality portrayal effective or ineffective for the role? Why?) Does the film highlight the player or does the director encourage ensemble acting? Why might this player have been cast? What does the player bring with him or her to enhance the character? How much of a departure do you think the player’s actual personality is from the personality of the character portrayed? Make an educated guess. What is the player’s drawing power? What makes him or her appealing (admirable, etc.) to the film viewer? You might want to look at a Web site devoted to the player to help answer this question. Is the player’s performance stronger than usual? Weaker than usual? About the same? Or, do you not have any basis for comparison? Explain. Provide a final paragraph, a conclusion. Briefly note your overall assessment of the film viewed. Summarize the impact of acting quality on the film. (Did the level of acting enhance the plot? Detract from the plot? Make no difference to the plot?) Did you enjoy the film? Dislike it? Why? Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not? Suggested Paper Length: 2-3 Word Processed Pages, Double-Spaced (Note: All written work for this course will be checked for originality using specialized software applications, so be sure to rely on your own impressions and not those of an expert or those presented in an online source!)


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