

Analytical Essay #1: Program with Societal Impact Research Paper

For your first (of 3) analytical essay, you will choose a show that you have watched in the past (it could still be currently airing but do not choose a show in its first season) that has caused some sort of societal impact. For the purpose of this assignment, societal impact will be a broad term which could refer to a number of effects including: many viewers emulating a character (dress, talk, walk, act, behave similar to, etc.); the program’s representation of a group/person/relationship which was unconventional and as a result affected people’s expectations/opinions or challenged previous representations and the status quo; the show pushes boundaries of censorship during the era and either causes viewers to reject the program, leads to cancellation, or perhaps influences future programming and viewer expectations of TV in general. These and many other reasons could be categorized as societal impact so do not restrict yourself to options falling under the above guidelines. Once you choose your program you will be required to write a 3-4 page paper in which you do the following: 1) Analyze the content: Introduce and describe your program, its context (year, network, characters, episode and show characteristics and notables), and how it caused some societal impact. Be sure to be detailed and even feel free to cite certain episodes and moments which help explain how and why it caused societal impact. 2) Support your case with Research! Find and incorporate at least 3 sources into your paper which help support and evidence your case of the above program’s societal impact. Cite and paraphrase from this section as you are explaining how the program impacted viewers and make sure to not just include URLs but the entire, complete reference in a Works Cited section. APA or MLA are acceptable but make sure to be consistent and reference the material within the text when you use information from a source—do not just list sources at the end of the paper! 3) In your own words, explain what you feel are the positive and negative consequences of television programming impacting the public. You may include references here as well but I want the bulk of the argument to be based on your own opinions. Which show now do you feel is causing a major societal impact?


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