

  • Essay
  • December 3rd, 2013

Central bank: Individual assignment: Your need to write around 1000 words reports about how should be the structure of the suggested Central Bank for GCC (Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf) Custom Essay

How might this bank be similar or different from the European Central Bank? What are the arguments for and against the GCC central bank? What are the most important objectives and functions for GCC central Bank?
The report should be written in an academic style (executive summary, Introduction, discussion, conclusion, and references list).
Marking guidelines Project Report: The assignment will be allocated depending on the content, academic referencing and well structure and writing. Word count: 1000 words (not including references).
Structure and Contents of Project report: The Project Report is an outline of your 5 points Project, providing information on the “What, Why, How conceptually and How practically” of your research. The purpose is to show the reader you have managed to arrange your broad Project research ideas into a logical account of research; and your work is justifiable and meaningful. It requires you to think clearly about your research objectives, research methods and relevant literature.
The following information needs to be included in your Project Report:
a. Title of your Project Report and executive summary: Indicating the focus of your work
b. Introduction-Background: This section should explain the rationale and the context for your topic. You should provide sufficient background information on the issues you want to discuss for the reader to be able to understand the rest of your report as well as its value. If you focus on an organization you should provide enough organizational information to put your research into context.
c. Discussion: This may be presented under more than one heading. This include a detailed critical analysis of the literature provides an identification of themes from academic and other relevant recent and/or historically important literature which acts as the basis for your study and clarifies where your study fits into this debate. Then you turn to discuss the different parts of the question giving your own opinion.
d. Conclusion: This part should summarize your work giving brief information about:


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