

  • Essay
  • December 9th, 2013

Personal Philosophy of Education

Personal Philosophy of Education
In a paper no longer than 10 pages, describe your philosophy regarding the education of exceptional students in your elective area (Mild/Moderate Disabilities). Use

the following questions, as well as the professional standards for teachers of students in your area published by the Council for Exceptional Children to help you

think about your beliefs regarding education. Spend some time thinking about each one in some depth. It is not necessary to respond to each of these questions in your

written philosophy. You may also, of course, decide to comment on additional issues as well.

There is no magic formula. Just try to put your honest thoughts on paper. You should strive for a serious but not pompous tone, conveying your thoughts with clarity as

well as with perfect spelling, punctuation, and grammar. It may help to consider a school administrator and a parent as your audience. Try to write a paper that will

let these people know where you stand in regard to important educational theories and practices.

1. In your opinion, what are the broad goals of education for exceptional individuals in your area? How can they best be met?
2. What are your hopes for each of your (future) students? What do you want them to achieve, accomplish, learn, feel, etc.?
3. What kind of knowledge and skills do you believe is most important for students, and how should they gain that knowledge and those skills? What will be your role in

that process?
4. What do you believe about the learning process? In what ways does it take place? How will your beliefs influence your teaching?
5. Will you consciously promote certain values in your practice? If so, which values will you choose? Why? If not, why not?
6. What kind of environment do you hope to create in your classroom, school and/or district? How does this relate to your basic beliefs about students and learning?
7. What kind of feedback will you offer your students as they work? How will you use praise, rewards, punishment, etc.? What kind of assessment will you use to be sure

that students have met objectives?
You should use the literature to support your beliefs. You are also to describe how you would evaluate whether you are teaching according to your philosophical



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