Final Paper
Below you have a list of topics for your final paper in this class.
For this paper you are required to do some outside research: Wikipedia,, Cliff Notes, Sparknotes, Shmoop, enotes, gradesaver, or other similar internet sources do not qualify as outside sources. You may, however, search for secondary material either by going to a library, or by navigating through Jastor or Project Muse in the Queens College online Library Databases; you may also consult websites that end with “.edu.” If you need to define a term, please use: Dictionaries of Literary Terms, or Encyclopedias of Literary Themes and Motifs, Dictionaries of Symbolism, and other reputable dictionaries or encyclopedias. Internet dictionaries are usually very superficial and do not qualify for a college paper, however you may use the online Oxford English Dictionary available through QC library databases.
Quotations are very important in a paper: including and discussing specific quotations from the primary text(s) helps you support your views. Do not use quotations to summarize the tale/book, or to summarize something you already said. Also, make sure to refer to specific characters in the tales/poem of your discussion. Finally, please remember this is a Comparative Literature course; that means, whenever possible, you should attempt to compare or contrast one character with another, either of the same text, or from different texts discussed in this course.
IMPORTANT NOTE ON PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism means using someone else's words or ideas, published (in the form of a book, magazine or Internet), or unpublished, as your own without giving him or her proper credit. If you do not know how to cite a particular source consult The MLA Handbook For Writers of Research Papers (LB 2369 .G53 1999) in your library. Anyone found to have committed plagiarism or anyone who buys a paper from Internet will automatically fail the course. For further information on Plagiarism please refer to Queens College’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Format: papers should be double space only, typed with Times New Roman font, 12 point (not 14-18 point font), and, one-inch margin all around (not two or three inch-margins). A double-spaced page contains roughly 22 lines. The Title page (containing the Title, your name, Prof.’s name, class number, date, topic #, as well as time of meeting) should be a separate page. Number all pages, except the title page. You should also have a Bibliography page in which you list in alphabetical order, all books and articles (or internet sources) you have consulted in order to write your paper.
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