How have genetic approaches played a vital role in conservation management of amphibians (SM)
How have genetic approaches played a vital role in conservation management of amphibians (SM)
Genetic approaches are pivotal in almost all facets of conservation biology and address key questions when considering managing populations appropriately. Genetic approaches are now used widely and can be applied to investigate many different aspects of an animal’s life and can estimate historic, present and future population trends. Using examples, you should investigate how genetics has informed the management of the most endangered group of vertebrates, the amphibians. Examples should focus on endangered species and can include captive and wild case studies.
Harvard Referencing style
Assessment: Conservation Biology Report
The assessment requires you to bring together the topics of conservation biology that you have been taught on this module. The report will focus on the assignment title that you ultimately do, but, you are expected to consider the breadth of issues covered in all the different sessions encountered across the module (see title descriptions for some direction on this). However, depending on the assignment title you choose not all of the areas covered are relevant to each title, therefore you need to be critical in your use of material. You are also expected to use theoretical and practical examples in your work although the balance of this will vary depending on your assignment topic.
You are expected to consider both the theory involved in these different assessments as well as the effectiveness of applying this knowledge in the real-world, i.e. conservation biology-related practice.
Where appropriate you should make sure you consider scales and contexts above the site level and their implications for habitats and populations.
The exact focus of points 1-2 above will depend on the topic being studied, however, some general guidance is:
Theory – aspects such as pros/cons of connecting populations; maintaining genetic diversity; how/when/where should restoring habitats happen; how/when/where should we be linking sites; what are the issues of scale and site context; the role of edges, etc.
Practice – examples of use of corridors/crossings; studies of the effects of different types of management; examples of key restoration activities and their success etc.
Your examples should be taken from articles from academic journals. As such you will be expected to use correct terminology and explore the topic in sufficient depth.
Each title has a short description to provide some direction as to the kinds of areas that would be expected to be covered. Please note these descriptions do not cover all the possible angles you could approach the topic but will provide you with some initial guidance for your research.
How have genetic approaches played a vital role in conservation management of amphibians (SM)
Genetic approaches are pivotal in almost all facets of conservation biology and address key questions when considering managing populations appropriately. Genetic approaches are now used widely and can be applied to investigate many different aspects of an animal’s life and can estimate historic, present and future population trends. Using examples, you should investigate how genetics has informed the management of the most endangered group of vertebrates, the amphibians. Examples should focus on endangered species and can include captive and wild case studies.
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