

  • Essay
  • December 13th, 2013

Introduction to Business Analysis feedback: What is the difference between strategic and tactical? What role does the BA play in either of these level, if any? Custom Essay

Introduction to Business Analysis feedback: What is the difference between strategic and tactical? What role does the BA play in either of these level, if any? Please make sure you use sources to support your answer.

2. please wirte positive feedback to the answers of this question : What should analyst gather: user requirements or information? Explain.


According to Blais, during investigation, the business analyst focuses on the collection of information rather than the identification of specific user or stakeholder requirements. In this way, the business analyst can discover other requirements that might not be explicitly voiced by the stakeholder. Analyst should gather information not user requirements because users don’t have requirements. They have information which they provide to the analyst such as how they do their job, what aspects of their job they want to work differently, why they perceive there is a problem, what a solution means to them, who else may be impacted by the problem domain, etc. They can relate stories, descriptions, wants, needs, gripes, facts, lies, solutions, words etc. the goal of the elicitation phase of the business analyst solution cycle is to gather information, not requirements and whoever can gather the most information is the one who wins (Blais, 2011)
Blais, S. (2011). Business Analysis: Best Practices for Success. UK: John Wiley & Sons.

According to the text, the analyst should gather information, not user requirements. During the investigation, the BA focuses on the collection of information rather than the identification of specific user or stakeholder requirements.
It is from this skillfully elicited information that business analysts, derive and define the solution to the business problem and the user write this solution as a set of requirements. These requirements state completely and accurately what must be done to solve the problem. We analyze the information to deduce the solution.
The goal of the elicitation phase of the business analyst solution cycle is to gather information, not requirements. Whoever gathers the most information wins.
Blais, Steven P., 2012, Business analysis, Best Practices for Success.

3. So we stated that tying the solution to the organizational mission usually removes the political trouble with support for the solution. Keeping this mind, what other ways can you determine the value of the IT project (solution)? What are some of the ways the BA can prove the solution is worth implementing?


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