

  • Essay
  • December 9th, 2013

Personal Mission Paper and Paper Checklist Custom Essay

From our major readings, the Personal Mission Statement handout, (Doc sharing) and other relevant materials in this course, compose a 4-6 page double-spaced essay (not including title or reference pages) on your future goals and/or how your life and work might unfold as a result of your education at Siena Heights.
PLUS: (Use this as a check list)
__What you learned from the Tony Robbins video. (I can tell if you watched it or not! You’ll enjoy it and it’s short.)



__Marshmallows & Intelligence (Are you a saver? Eater? Why? How?)

I am a marshmallow eater because I am very fast paced and what to get all of my work done as soon as possible, That is why I would eat the marshmallow fast and not save it etc…

__Sandel’s lectures (What did you agree with? Disagree with? What philosophies have you internalized that will affect your personal mission?)




__Secret Life of the Grownup Brain


__Tuesdays with Morrie

The book**

Then, add:
__Any other materials in the course (threaded discussion; dharma lecture; procrastination, hot button paper, paradigm shifts, field trip etc) that were meaningful in developing your Mission. Refer to and include all of the first five items I typed in blue from the checklist above, and at least 2 additional materials from the course.

Talk about the discussions and procrastination**

To cite any items that are my course content, in-text, you can just use (Brigham, year) since they are from my course content. Remember: Any idea or concept you write about in your paper that is not from your own head must be cited as a reference!

In references at the end of the paper, you can cite course content items as follows:
Brigham, Mary, year, article name such as ‘Delaying Gratification’, retreived from LAS 301, Siena Heights University

Ask yourself, “How will I use the course material to reach the goals I’ve set in my personal mission statement?” The short answer to this important question is your thesis statment. (Usually your topic sentence in the first paragraph). Underline your thesis statement in your paper. I won’t grade your paper without an underlined thesis statement in it. (That’s the hardest part. Once you have figured that out, the rest should fall in place. I hope.)

Please follow all directions carefully. In order to receive full credit, this essay must be in APA format, and it must properly cite EACH of the references you have used in the paper. Don’t forget a cover page! Indent each paragraph! If you want the opportunity to re-do, you must submit this paper at least 3 days before the due date! If you turn it in any later than that, there will not be time for a re-do.

__Cover Page
__Each paragraph indented
__Thesis statement is underlined
__I have backed up my work as explained below.*
__Every direct quote is cited with a para. or p. # in the citation (Albom, year, p.27) for example.
___ I have underlined my thesis statement.
___I covered all the topics Mary listed above in blue, and at least two others.
The essay, then, should support this thesis statement using the ideas and information you’ve gained from the course. Demonstrate, through your essay, how well you’ve understood and have synthesized the readings and other ‘good stuff’.
___I checked all my quotes and made sure that I cited them in-text and included a para. or p. # for them. The page or para. # is for QUOTES. Forgetting to include a para. # or p. # is the biggest mistake students make in this paper. Example: (Albom, 2007, p.17).
___I underlined my mission statement
___I included a title page and a reference page
___I used a font that is size 12 and easy to read.


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