

Survey Results Preview

Survey Results Preview


The results of the Customer Satisfaction Survey will provide Patrick Mourar, 9Round owner, with helpful data and information pertaining to the following subjects: Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Good!


· Member information. The average customers’ age and gender can be used to develop a target market.


· Member location. To measure the convenience of the gym’s location, customers were asked their typical commute time to 9Round.


· Gym Expansion. Asking the members where they would like to see a new 9Round location be built and the area in which they live supplies Patrick with potential secondary location recommendations. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Unnecessary word


· Gym Environment. Survey participants were asked to rate 9Round in seven different categories: cleanliness, music selection, music volume, hours of operations, friendliness of staff, quality of workout equipment, and class instruction. Analyzing these ratings will give Patrick helpful feedback on which categories need improvement. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Need a number in front of each category Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: The category Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: regarding


· Trainers. Members were asked if the 9Round trainers added value to their workout, and if not, how the trainers could better support them.


· Member Frequency. Members were asked how frequently they visit 9Round and at what time of the day. The results will be used to evaluate the hours of operations and customer retention.


Survey Results Analysis


The 9Round group distributed a QR Code and Survey Monkey link to 9Round members. The results were reviewed and analyzed to help improve customer satisfaction. We received 31 completed surveys and compiled the results into the graphs presented in Section II (findings). Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: captialize












When completing the survey, respondents were asked to select their gender. They could select male, female, and prefer not to answer. Using gender differences, 9Round will be able to better understand their current member base and those whom they may not be reaching through advertisement. The results for this question can be found in Figure 1. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Principles of Agreement 1-14 Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 9Round gender results can be found in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Figures must have captions—even if it is the same as your graph title.



The respondents who took the survey were 16 percent male and 84 percent female. According to the Census Bureau, Females make up 51.1 percent of the population in Spokane Valley (U.S. Census Bureau 2016). 9Round’s target market in Spokane Valley should be Females. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Five survey respondents, or 16 percent, indicated they were male. The remaining survey respondents—84 percent—indicated they were female. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Unless you are quoting, or have more than one citation in a paragraph, citations belong at the end of the paragraph. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Neither Conclusions nor recommendations belong in the findings.





















The survey asked customers to select their age. The age ranges they could select were, ages 18-20, 21-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60 or older. Respondents 17 or younger were asked to stop and to return the survey; these surveys were not counted. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Surveys do not talk Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Why?


The average age group helps 9Round cater its atmosphere, price range, advertisement, and workouts to its members.


The typical 9Round customer is between the ages of 40 and 49; however, kickboxing can be suited to all ages. Research shows individuals age 20 to 64 make up the largest gym-going demographic (”Industry Performance”), which encompasses all of our survey respondents. According to the article, “A Knockout Fitness Routine”, today, boxing programs are fulfilling the exercise needs of a demographic group that previously displayed little interest in physical activity or in the sport. As boxing increases in popularity, 9Round can continue reaching out to a diverse group of members. Age results can be found in Figure 2. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Your job was to tabulate all the data, create graphs, write out in written form what the reader should interpret when looking at the graph, and then compare the results to relevant industry research using the 7 C's. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Citation does not look correct Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 2-54


Figure 2:














Customer Location


To assess the convenience of 9Round’s location, respondents were asked the area in which they live. Their options were, Downtown Spokane, South Hill, North Spokane, Liberty Lake, Spokane Valley, and other.


The results will help 9Round determine whether or not their location is satisfying its customers and can be used for future decisions such as potential expansion locations.


The survey results conclude that 74 percent of respondents live in the Spokane Valley area. According to the U.S. Census, Spokane Valley has a population of 96,340 people (U.S. Census Bureau 2016). Twenty-three percent of respondents live in Liberty Lake, which has a population of 9,209 people (U.S. Census Bureau 2016). Three percent answered other. Given the heavily populated surrounding cities, 9Round’s location is beneficial for advertisement and member recruitment. The results involving customer location can be viewed in Figure 3.


Figure 3:

















Respondents were asked, if 9Round were to expand, where a potential secondary location should be built. The members’ options were Downtown Spokane, South Hill, North Spokane, Liberty Lake, and other. The results are displayed in Figure 4.


The most popular location is Liberty Lake. Ten respondents chose Liberty Lake, eight respondents chose North Spokane, six selected Downtown Spokane, five picked other, and two chose South Hill.


This information is beneficial for 9Round management to plan for future growth. Research shows that “over the five years to 2022, many baby boomers are expected to sign up for health club memberships, as they grow more health conscious due to their age. Consequently, industry revenue is forecast to grow at an annualized rate of 1.5% to $32.8 billion in the five-year period (“Industry Performance”).” This potential growth shows promise for success for a new 9Round gym location. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Used “for” to times.


Figure 4:


Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Good graph!














Participants were asked to rate seven of the 9Round daily operations on a scale of one to five, with five being Excellent and one being horrible. The daily operation survey choices were cleanliness, music selection, music volume, hours of operations, friendliness of staff, quality of workout equipment, and class instruction. Table 1 displays the results.


The ratings will provide 9Round with feedback to use in determining which operations need improvement in order to reach the highest level of customer satisfaction. 9Round received only eight ratings that were “neutral”, “bad”, or “horrible”. The remaining 209 ratings for operations were “excellent” or “good”. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 2-54


This table shows that music selection and volume may need to be adjusted to increase customer satisfaction. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Neither Conclusions nor recommendations belong in the findings.


Table 1:














Music Selection






Music Volume






Hours of Operation






Friendliness of Staff






Quality of Workout Equipment






Class Instruction


























The 9Round trainers are available at all hours of gym operation. The trainers help 9Round members with instruction, form, modification, and motivation. It is important to the 9Round ownership that their trainers are benefitting their members; therefore, the survey asked members if the trainers add value to their workouts. The results for this question are in Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 1-14

Figure 5.


Out of 31 respondents, 30 said that the 9Round trainers are adding value to their workout, and one said that the trainers are not adding value. A good trainer is analytical, friendly, experienced, creative, and understanding (Schwarzbaum 2010). Ninety-seven percent of participants agree that 9Round trainers add value and are beneficial to their workout. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Conclusions do not belong in findings.


Figure 5:


















Customer Frequency


The survey asked members how frequent they visit 9Round and at what time of day. Members were given the options: once a week, less than weekly, twice a week, more than three times per week, and three times a week.


The results will give 9Round owner an understanding of how often their customers are working out at the gym and if the times available are convenient for their members. The results are displayed in Figure 6. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 1-14


13 respondents said they visit three times per week, 12 said they visit more than three times per week, three answered twice a week, two answered less than weekly, and one person said they visit once a week. The average number of times a gym membership owner will attend the gym is twice a week (Statistic Brain 2016). Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 4-1 Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: They did not talk


The average 9Round members are visiting more than twice a week, so the results prove favorable for 9Round management. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Conclusions do not belong in findings.


Figure 6:













III: Conclusions and Recommendations




Based on the examination of your customer service survey results and secondary sources, our group has drawn several conclusions. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Report should be third person—including the conclusion.


Eighty-three percent of the members surveyed were female, with an average age between 40 and 49 years old. According to the Census Bureau, females make up 51.1 percent of the population in Spokane Valley (U.S. Census Bureau 2016). The customer service survey results show that, while women are active 9Round members, the number of male members is low in relation to the available market. These results reveal a potential target market for new male customers. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 7 C’s and a run-on sentence


Spokane Valley proved to be the residence of the majority (74 percent) of the 9round survey respondents. The second most popular location of residency is Liberty Lake, where 23 percent of the respondents reside. This shows that the current 9Round location is beneficial for the majority of 9Round’s current members. The results also show that 9Round expansion would be most desired and successful in Liberty Lake. This is reflected in the survey; 10 out of 31 respondents suggested that Liberty Lake be the potential location for expansion.


Respondents were also asked about the environment and the trainers at 9Round. The majority, 97 percent, of respondents answered that, “yes,” the trainers do add value to my workout.” This shows that 9Round trainers are successful in supporting the members during their workout.


The members were also asked to rate 9Round operations including cleanliness, music, hours of operation, friendliness of staff, quality of workout equipment, and class instruction on a scale of five to one (excellent to horrible). Of the ratings, 209 out of 217 total ratings were positive. The 209 positive ratings show that, overall, 9Round members think that the gym’s operations are “excellent” or “good”. This information shows that 9Round members are satisfied with the gym’s operations. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 2-54


Thirteen out of thirty-one of the survey respondent’s frequent 9Round three times per week, and twelve out of thirty-one of the survey respondents return more than three times per week. In total, 25 out of the 31 responds frequent the gym three or more times per week. Knowing how frequently 9Round members tend to visit the gym assists 9Round management in determining their rate of customer retention. Overall, survey respondents were highly pleased with the addition of 9Round to the Spokane Valley and look forward to many more years of operation. Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: 4-1 Comment by Fletcher, Taryn: Fact or opinion?





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