10minute mindfulness: 71 habits for living in the present moment
Body of the Paper
(max 5 points) Error free professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and paragraphs composed of at least 3 well-written sentences and paper within page limits.
(5 points)
Contains 3 – 4 grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors, or poorly written paragraphs and paper within page limits.
(3 points)
Greater than 4 grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors, or poorly written paragraphs, or paper exceeds page limits, or does not follow rubric format.
(0 points)
(max 5 points) Detailed overview paragraph of paper contents to include information to be discussed within the body of the paper.
(5 points) Brief statement of paper contents.
(3 points) No introduction.
(0 points)
Part I: Book
(max 10 points) Explanation of reasons for selecting book that include specific references to book title, description, authors, and particular student experience.
(10 points) General statement of reason for selecting book with vague references to book or vague example of student experience.
(5 points) Missing or unclear reason for selecting book and missing specific reference to book or example of student experience.
(0 points)
Part II: Two Topics of Interest
(max 30 points) Lists 2 separate topics with detailed, specific topic information from the book, and gives a detailed discussion of why the 2 separate topics impacted the reader with specific student examples or experiences for each of the 2 topics. (30 points) Lists 1 topic with general or limited information from the book and gives a general or limited discussion of why the 1 topic impacted the reader, including a general student example or experience. (15 points)
No topics addressed, and/or missing both student examples and/or both statements of impact on the reader. (0 points)
Part III: Corroboration / Contradiction
(max 30 points) Clear, accurate detailed explanation of corroboration or contradiction with at least two specific examples from at least one recent, professional external source on how the external source either corroborates or contradicts the information in the book or the author’s stance. (30 points) General explanation of corroboration or contradiction or only one example from an external source on how the external source either corroborates or contradicts the information in the book or the author’s stance. (15 points) No explanation of corroboration or contradiction and/or missing examples from an external source on how the external source either corroborates or contradicts the information in the book or the author’s stance. (0 points)
Part IV: Practice Application
(max 10 points) Clear detailed explanation of how or why the book will or will not impact personal actions or professional practice. (10 points)
General statement of how or why the book will or will not impact personal actions or professional practice. (5 points)
Missing description of how or why the book will or will not impact personal actions or professional practice. (0 points)
APA Format (Title page, Headings, Font, Spacing, Reference page,
(max 10 points) 0-3 errors in APA format with at least one additional recent external professional resource. (10 points) Paper contains (4-6) different APA errors and at least one additional recent external professional resource. (5 points) Greater than 6 different APA errors and/or missing additional resource, or resource is not recent and/or professional. (0 points)
Book Review Criteria
• Arrange your assignment in the following sequence with these required sections and subheadings and the content points noted.
• Open a new Word document, and save it to your Desktop with the filename, “yourname_Book_Review,” inserting your name in place of “yourname.”
• Begin your paper by setting the margins, font, and header. (See “APA Tutorial” or the “APA Formatted Template” in the left menu of the course.)
• Click “Save” often to keep from accidentally losing your work.
Content Criteria
Introduction Write a short paragraph that introduces your paper to the reader. This usually includes mention of all of the content/topics that will be written about within the body of the paper. For example, “First I will explain why I chose….”. Insert paper Title, centered, not bolded and Title case.
Then start paragraph.
Part I: Book
State which book you chose, and discuss why you chose it. Include specific references to book title, description, authors, or particular experiences of yours that prompted you to select the book. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.
Then start paragraph.
Part II: Two Topics of Interest
Write two separate paragraphs describing topics or pieces of information from the book itself that made the greatest impression on you. Discuss why the topic impacted you giving an example of student impact for each of the topics. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.
Then start paragraphs.
Part III: Corroboration / Contradiction
Provide at leas
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