BEHS 364 SEC 6382 SEM 2152 Final Examination
Alcohol in U. S. Society UMUC 2015
Match Questions – 4 points each
- The public response to excessive drinking has been a mix of two general approaches:
- Directly reduce drinking + restrict availability/raise prices
- Indirectly reduce drinking + increase availability
- Directly reduce drinking + lower price
- None of the above
- The “neo-prohibitionists”:
- Are comprised of economists, epidemiologists, and other scientists doing research on the causal effects of alcohol-control measures on drinking, abuse, and consequences
- Present the case that the price and availability of alcohol affect the amount of alcohol-related harm to society
- Both a and b
- Neither a or b
- Early in U.S. history, Alexander Hamilton proposed a ____________ to decrease heavy drinking
- Prohibition
- A whiskey tax
- Abstinence
- None of the above
- During the 1930’s a new scientific understanding of alcoholism shifted the focus to:
- Alcohol itself
- Morality
- The small fraction of the population vulnerable to alcoholism
- None of the above
- Dr. E. M. Jellinek was a researcher that:
- Is considered the godfather of the alcoholism movement
- Identified small portions of the population vulnerable to alcohol
- Suggested that someone with the innate propensity for alcoholism would actually develop the disease depends in part on living in an alcohol wet or dry environment
- All of the above
- Just like tobacco:
- A small increase in tax would have a small effect on the public health
- A large increase in tax would have a large effect on the public health
- Both a and b
- Neither a or b
- Drinkers are:
- Better educated, richer, less ambivalent
- Poorly educated, poorer, ambivalent
- Exactly the same
- None of the above
- Prohibition or the 18th Amendment:
- Promoted a substantial reduction in drinking
- Was a political failure
- Was repealed by Constitutional Amendment
- All of the above
- Federal funding for research and treatment of alcoholism expanded and became institutionalized with the creation of :
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA)
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
- None of the above
- Today, the American public is mostly drinking:
- Liquor
- Beer
- Wine
- All of the above equally
- Today, the “neo-prohibitionist” label suggests people that:
- Are moralistic and naïve
- Seek to reduce alcohol abuse by advocating controls on supply and higher taxes
- Promote deregulation
- Both a and b
- The first internal revenue measure instituted by the 1st United States Congress was a tax on:
- Wages
- Liquor
- Land
- Tea
- At the time of the Civil War liquor was used for:
- Drinking
- Fluid for lamps
- Industrial products
- All of the above
- The most politically effective organization working for Prohibition was:
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Anti-Saloon League
- League of Women Voters
- Al-Anon
- The national prohibition was popularly known as the:
- Volstead Act
- Wilson Act
- Webb-Kenyon Act
- Reed Act
- The Volstead Act banned the ________________ of alcohol.
- Purchase
- Possession
- Consumption
- Manufacture and sale
- Enforcement of the Volstead Act was done by:
- Congress
- President
- Treasury Department
- Homeland Security
- The economist Clark Warburton claimed that during Prohibition there was a reduction in he overall consumption of ethanol coupled with a substitution of liquor for beer based on :
- Agricultural sources
- Death rates from alcohol related causes of production
- Arrests for drunkenness
- All of the above
- The class of people that maintained the same level of drinking throughout Prohibition was:
- Middle and Upper class
- Working class
- Poor
- None of the above
- Under the 21st amendment the states took the lead in regulating alcohol:
- Excise taxes
- Tax collection
- Distribution and sales
- Both a and b
- The most successful self-help organization of our time is:
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Al-Anon
- Marijuana Anonymous
- The co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous were:
- Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith
- Carl Jung and William James
- John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Pierre S. DuPont
- None of the above
- E. Morton Jellinek:
- Identified 5 varieties of alcoholism
- Wrote “The Disease Concept of alcoholism”
- Offered a science-based understanding of alcoholism
- All of the above
- Jellinek reserved the disease label for those alcoholics:
- Who evidenced dependence by an inability to stop drinking once started
- Who had an inability to refrain from starting to drink
- Who practiced controlled drinking
- Both a and b
- ______________ was another proponent of the disease model who suggested that uncontrolled, maladaptive ingestion of alcohol is not a disease in the sense of a biological disorder; rather alcoholism is a disorder of behavior:
- George Vaillant
- E.M. Jellinek
- Stanton Peele
- Herb Finagarette
- A procedure reserved for those that require medical help to mitigate severe withdrawal symptoms is:
- Relapse prevention
- Detoxification
- Liver transplant
- None of the above
- The case for a genetic basis to alcoholism is strengthened by the observation:
- Identical twins are more alike with respect to the presence or absence of alcoholism than are fraternal twins
- Fraternal twins are more alike with respect to the presence or absence of alcoholism than are identical twins
- Identical and fraternal twins are equally alike with respect to the presence of alcoholism
- Identical and fraternal twins are equally alike with respect to the absence of alcoholism
- Inpatient rehabilitation programs
- Are the most costly and highly structured
- Traditionally last 28 days
- Include group therapy, individual therapy, and education
- All of the above
- Project Match was an evaluation study that:
- Involved a 12 week period of individual outpatient sessions
- Randomly assigned patients to 1 of 3 approaches
- Evaluated cognitive-behavioral, motivational enhancement, and 12 step facilitation therapies
- All of the above
- The alcoholism movement engendered a research program that:
- Seeks to identify individual characteristics that create susceptibility to alcohol problems
- Develop effective treatments
- Obtain federal funding
- Both a and b
- An intrinsic limitation to the medical approach is that:
- It is not only alcoholics that cause and suffer abuse by their drinking
- No treatment requires voluntary compliance
- Prevention drugs are always effective
- All of the above
- Quantification is essential to:
- Assessing the scope, pattern, and trends of drinking
- Evaluating particular interventions intended to reduce problematic drinking
- Both a and b
- Neither a or b
- From a population-health perspective:
- Data on overall alcohol sales is irrelevant
- Data on the entire distribution of consumption is of interest
- Neither abstinence or heavy drinking have health implications
- All of the above
- 80 proof whiskey is:
- 8% alcohol
- 80% alcohol
- 40% alcohol
- 100% alcohol
- Generally, it is easier to estimate ____________ consumption with some degree of accuracy
- Individual
- The distribution of individual drinking
- Aggregate
- None of the above
- Problems with using tax records as the basis for estimating alcohol consumption include:
- No account of wastage
- Illicit production for sale (moonshine)
- Tourists
- All of the above
- The 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) provided an estimate of pro capita consumption that vis about __________ of recorded pro capita sales:
- Half
- Double
- Equal
- None of the above
- Prudent users of survey data:
- Check data with other surveys, sales data, and other benchmarks
- Trust but verify
- Proceed with certainty in their data alone
- Both a and b
- The prevalence of drinking peaks in the early ________ for both males and females:
- Teens
- 20’s
- 30’s
- 40’s
- People in _______ health are more likely to drink:
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- All of the above
- In classical liberal thought, a choice is of greater public concern if the resulting harm is to:
- The person making the choice
- Bystanders
- Society overall
- Both a and b
- The public health perspective attempts to:
- Distribute specific benefits to identified individuals
- Improve the level or rates of health among the entire population or specific groups
- Both a and b
- Neither a or b
- Public health stands closer to a __________ ethic of social justice
- Communication
- Individualistic
- Liberal
- Conservative
- The sale of cold beer to drivers generates a ________ externality to the extent that it increases the chance that people who share the road with the beer buyer ( and drinker while driving) will collide with the buyer:
- Neutral
- Positive
- Negative
- Zero
- A wide array of experiments document that ____________ of consequence occurrence seems to contradict the presumption of a rational choice
- Severity
- Timing
- Order
- Lack
- Self control is a matter of:
- Willpower
- Experience
- Technique
- All of the above
- The liberal tradition embodied in the harm principle claims to promote the greatest good by:
- Leaving the adult individual free to make his own choices as long as others are not harmed
- Promoting improvement of choices by government regulation
- Denies the intrinsic value of freedom
- None of the above
- _____________ measures are aimed at reducing the harmful consequences of some unhealthy or unsafe activity
- Government regulation
- Harm reduction
- Public policy
- Abstinence
- Information provision includes:
- Warning labels on alcoholic beverages
- Public service ads on television and radio
- Alcohol curriculums in school health classes
- All of the above
- The Cost of Illness (COI) method:
- Is the norm in government reports
- Distinguishes between direct costs and indirect costs resulting from loss of productivity
- Is implicitly based on the maximization of society’s present and future production
- All of the above
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