

  • Essay
  • November 20th, 2013

The Business Customs of Turkey: Approach your report as if you were a consultant, and I was hiring you to provide information to my corporation about conducting business (generic, to purchase goods for export) in this country Custom Essay

What would I need to know to be successful? Conducting business does NOT include hiring people or opening offices.
The written analysis shall be based upon standard format with references cited using one of the standard citation formats, with at least four references. Your Textbook may be used as a reference, but it must be in addition to at least four other references. See Content for numerous potential references. Paper specifics:
Include an introductory paragraph stating the purpose of your paper, at the beginning of your paper.
Reports must cover, in some detail, each of the following areas: (you may use the items as section headings) (Do not use bullet points for the explanations below)
? Negotiations: Compare and contrast the negotiation style used in your selected country with that of the U.S., as well changes that an American would need to make to succeed in doing business.
? Cultural components Topics to be included
o business meetings
o time
o business attire
o etiquette and behavior
o normal business hours
o decision making styles
o women in business
o gift giving
o handshakes
o business cards.
o is English used for business?
o gestures/non-verbal communication
AND point out the impact on conducting business for each component included in your paper, as well changes that an American would need to make to succeed in doing business.
? Hofstede�s Dimensions of Culture: Do not define them in great detail, but noting the implications on conducting business for each Dimension and any differences with the U.S, as well changes that an American would need to make to succeed in doing business.
Include a conclusion paragraph at the end of your paper.
Properly cite your references in the body of the paper and on the Works Cited page.


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