

PSYC 101 quiz 14 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 14 complete solutions correct answers key

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Chapter 14

Question 1 Gail suffers from bipolar disorder. Which drug is Gail’s doctor likely to prescribe to help stabilize her mood swings?

Question 2 Minor tranquilizer drugs are also called

Question 3 Which type of therapy focuses on helping families focus on changing disruptive patterns of communication and improving the ways in which members relate to each other?

Question 4 The development of which class of drugs revolutionized the treatment of schizophrenia?

Question 5 Jewel takes an antianxiety drug for the treatment of her panic disorder. She experiences a common side effect from her treatment. Which side effect is Jewel most likely to experience?

Question 6 Tricyclic antidepressants raise brain levels of neurotransmitters by

Question 7 Regarding cognitive therapies, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 8 In psychoanalysis, transference is when

Question 9 ______ is an empirically supported treatment for enuresis (bed­wetting).

Question 10 Marjorie receives treatment for depression. In her treatment, Marjorie receives jolts of electricity through her head. What is Marjorie’s treatment?

Question 11 Gestalt therapy frequently uses which of the following techniques?

Question 12 According to Carl Rogers, what are three important components of therapy?

Question 13 Callie is participating in a behavior therapy method in which her therapist first teaches her relaxation techniques. Based on this description, what is most likely to be Callie’s therapy of choice?

Question 14 Which of the following correctly describes the effects of deinstitutionalization?

Question 15 Regarding the use of antidepressants, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 16 Which type of drug typically acts on the neurotransmitter GABA?

Question 17 Taylor takes Ritalin to treat his ADHD. The drug’s effectiveness may be based on its ability to increase the activity of _____ in Taylor’s cerebral cortex.

Question 18 Dr. Lau is a couple therapist. What is the most typical problem she is likely to target in treatment?

Question 19 Common side effects of antidepressants are

Question 20 Which of the following describes the primary purpose of the modern mental hospital?


Question 1 All but which of the following people are demonstrating an irrational belief, according to Ellis?

Question 2 The idea that irrational beliefs lead to emotional distress is at the core of which approach to therapy?

Question 3 The first form of psychodynamic therapy to be developed was

Question 4 Which of the following is NOT a key idea from psychodynamic therapies?

Question 5 In psychoanalysis, Hannah seems to hesitate when talking about her relationship with her father. Hannah’s hesitation may describe

Question 6 Regarding prefrontal lobotomy, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 7 Regarding cognitive therapies, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 8 Psychotropic drugs are also known as _______ drugs.

Question 9 Psychosurgery is sometimes used today to treat severe cases of

Question 10 During which decade did the community health system begin to take shape in the United States?

Question 11 Gail suffers from bipolar disorder. Which drug is Gail’s doctor likely to prescribe to help stabilize her mood swings?

Question 12 Dr. Gomez is a Gestalt therapist. What would you expect to be the emphasis of his therapy sessions with clients?

Question 13 Cognitive therapists such as Aaron Beck refer to errors in thinking as

Question 14 Gloria has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. She will most likely be treated with

Question 15 Critics of deinstitutionalization complain that contemporary public mental hospitals are like

Question 16 Behavior therapy focuses on

Question 17 Which of the following DOES NOT belong?

Question 18 Most of the antipsychotic drugs target which neurotransmitter?

Question 19 Aaron Beck is to ______ therapy as Albert Ellis is to ______ therapy.

Question 20 Dr. Melfi is a psychodynamic therapist. Therefore, we can predict she believes that restoring psychological health involves


Question 1 According to Freud, the most important use of interpretation in psychoanalysis is

Question 2 Which of the following is NOT a key idea from psychodynamic therapies?

Question 3 Most of the antipsychotic drugs target which neurotransmitter?

Question 4 Hugo has major depression. He might be treated with any of the following EXCEPT

Question 5 During her clinical internship, psychology graduate student Veronica Wiza will conduct therapy sessions with African American clients. An important consideration for Wiza to consider when treating African Americans is their

Question 6 In behavioral therapy, another term for gradual exposure is

Question 7 Which type of therapy focuses on helping families focus on changing disruptive patterns of communication and improving the ways in which members relate to each other?

Question 8 Behavior therapy focuses on

Question 9 Lakeisha has a snake phobia and decides to see a behavioral therapist. Her therapist suggests systematic desensitization. What is the second step Lakeisha will take in her therapy?

Question 10 Phenothiazines would be used to treat which of the following people?

Question 11 Regarding the use of antidepressants, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 12 The first form of psychodynamic therapy to be developed was

Question 13 Which type of antidepressant has the lowest rate of severe side effects?

Question 14 Aaron Beck is to ______ therapy as Albert Ellis is to ______ therapy.

Question 15 Brooke goes to a Gestalt therapist. In her therapy, Brooke will probably be encouraged to

Question 16 Callie is participating in a behavior therapy method in which her therapist first teaches her relaxation techniques. Based on this description, what is most likely to be Callie’s therapy of choice?

Question 17 Which of the following correctly describes the effects of deinstitutionalization?

Question 18 In a study reported in the text, which orientation was most often reported by a group of clinical and counseling psychologists?

Question 19 There are ______ major types of antidepressants, and they are called _______.

Question 20 In Freudian terms, the goal of psychoanalysis is to shine the light of the _____ on the unconscious recesses of the ______.


Question 1 All but which of the following are reasons given in the text as to why racial and ethnic minorities have less access to mental health care than the majority group?

Question 2 Victor Van Dusen takes an antidepressant to cope with his depressive disorder. On which neurotransmitters is his antidepressant likely to work?

Question 3 Gloria has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. She will most likely be treated with

Question 4 Minor tranquilizer drugs are also called

Question 5 Callie is participating in a behavior therapy method in which her therapist first teaches her relaxation techniques. Based on this description, what is most likely to be Callie’s therapy of choice?

Question 6 Which drug can produce mild impairments in memory and must be closely monitored because of its potentially toxic effects?

Question 7 Electroconvulsive shock therapy is effective in treating

Question 8 Dr. Lau is a couple therapist. What is the most typical problem she is likely to target in treatment?

Question 9 Meta­analyses of the effectiveness of psychotherapy suggest

Question 10 Caleb Burke is a hyperactive child with a poor attention span and disruptive behaviors. Caleb is likely to be treated with which type of drug?

Question 11 In a study reported in the text, which orientation was most often reported by a group of clinical and counseling psychologists?

Question 12 In psychoanalysis, Hannah seems to hesitate when talking about her relationship with her father. Hannah’s hesitation may describe

Question 13 Which of the following is NOT a feature of systematic desensitization?

Question 14 After Raymond described his dream to his therapist, efforts were made to figure out what the dream meant, or its

Question 15 Psychotropic drugs are also known as _______ drugs.

Question 16 Tricyclic antidepressants raise brain levels of neurotransmitters by

Question 17 All but which of the following are advantages of group therapy over individual therapy?

Question 18 Which of the following does NOT belong?

Question 19 Regarding electroconvulsive therapy, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 20 Regarding client­centered therapy, which of the following DOES NOT belong?


Question 1 After Raymond described his dream to his therapist, efforts were made to figure out what the dream meant, or its

Question 2 All but which of the following describes the practice of psychotherapy?

Question 3 Which of the following describes the primary purpose of the modern mental hospital?

Question 4 Puge has just graduated from college as a clinical social worker. Which degree has Puge earned?

Question 5 Gail suffers from bipolar disorder. Which drug is Gail’s doctor likely to prescribe to help stabilize her mood swings?

Question 6 Roger has been convicted of sexually assaulting several young children. In prison he undergoes aversion therapy. He is presented with pictures of young children while receiving unpleasant electric shocks. Eventually, pictures of young children become aversive stimuli. In this procedure, the electric shocks are described as

Question 7 Regarding the effectiveness of psychotherapy, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 8 Computer technology has been used for a new form of exposure therapy called

Question 9 Compared to traditional psychoanalysis, modern psychoanalysis includes all of the following EXCEPT

Question 10 Gestalt therapy frequently uses which of the following techniques?

Question 11 Of the following patients receiving treatment for depression, who is most likely to be a candidate for electroconvulsive therapy?

Question 12 Caleb Burke is a hyperactive child with a poor attention span and disruptive behaviors. Caleb is likely to be treated with which type of drug?

Question 13 A general term for any psychologically based form of treatment to help people better understand their problems is

Question 14 Phenothiazines would be used to treat which of the following people?

Question 15 Brooke goes to a Gestalt therapist. In her therapy, Brooke will probably be encouraged to

Question 16 Which of the following best describes the hope of the community­based care movement?

Question 17 Learning desirable behavior by watching and imitating others is known as ______, and ______ pioneered the use of this technique to help people overcome phobias.

Question 18 Generalizing from research evidence, some forms of psychodynamic therapy are predicted to produce good results in treating which of the following?

Question 19 Regarding psychotropic drugs, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 20 Which of the following correctly describes the effects of deinstitutionalization?

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