Academic Skills of Business Custom Essay
To begin
Read through all these instructions first. Then download all the documents in this folder
(you will need the two articles and the e-book to refer to later). Open the document “tourism_task_sheet” in this folder. This is a partially completed report on the
topic below.
The tourist board in your town is considering opening a previously secret World War II military training site, the Severn Military Base, as a tourist attraction. They
have commissioned a report evaluating various tourism marketing options. The extract from the report you have discusses adopting an option of ‘dark tourism’. Your job
is to complete the report using the directions below. Note you will have to do some rewriting and summarising, and complete the references list. You will also have to
re-format the report using the final instructions at the end.
[1] Add your name and student number to the task sheet footer.
[2] Save the document in a safe place. Name the document using the module code and
your student number e.g. “BRM4002_st12345678”. This will greatly help the markers
should we need to take in a copy of your assignment electronically.
[3] Read the extract from the report. You will see five lettered brackets e.g. [Gap A]
throughout. Replace each of these, following the explicit instructions below. Some
tasks are easy, others will require you to search for specific resources or write short
pieces of text. Some rewriting will also be involved.
Gap [A] 1 mark
• Using the information about the Foley & Lennon article in the references list, insert an in-text reference at the end of the quotation. The quote comes from the
first page of the article. Use indirect attribution.
Gap [B] 2 marks
• Open the article by Stone and Sharpley. Using the information contained in the first paragraph only (not the abstract), complete the unfinished sentence “expanded to
include …” with two examples of other dark tourism sites (use your own words). Conclude with an in-text reference including a page number and use indirect attribution.
Gap [C] 10 marks
• Open the article by Podoshen.
• Using only the information in section 1 (pp263-264), write a summary of what the
black metal movement is, where and how it has grown, its demographic and its
associations with crime. Include a definition of the term ‘blackpacker’.
• Your summary should be 120-150 words. You must use your own words, though you may (if you wish) include one very brief, relevant quotation in your summary.
• Include appropriate in-text references and use direct attribution where possible.
Gap [D] 12 marks
• In the e-book The Darker Side of Travel, locate the chapter on battlefield tourism. Then find the section describing battlefield tour practitioner’s perspective.
Here you will find a bullet point summary of some demographic research on battlefield tourism conducted by the Royal British Legion in 2006.
• A few pages further on, you will find a section on battlefield tours which describes several types of battlefield visitor. Some brief information about education
visits appears a couple of pages later.
• Using the information drawn from the two sections above, write a paragraph of 150-200 words suggesting that adopting battlefield tourism as the operational principle
would bring the most visitors to the base. Refer to the demographic evidence. Use the information about leisure visitors to support a description of the visitors you
are likely to expect, and their reasons for coming.
• Using the statistic from the educational visits section, comment briefly on the opportunities the base has for school visits within the UK.
• Use direct attribution where possible, and referencing where required.
Gap [E] 12 marks
• At this gap you will see some rough notes. This section shows how another highly successful World War Two tourism site in the UK, Bletchley Park, might be used as a
model for the military base site. You must include all the information, but you can reorder it more logically if you wish. You must use formal academic English
• Write up the notes into a paragraph of 150-200 words. Follow up the reference to Vaggelis Giannikas’ article about Bletchley Park (hint: to find the article, use
Summon in our electronic library). Include an appropriate in-text reference.
• Visit the Bletchley Park website if you want some more inspiration:
[4] References list 10 marks
Conclude your report with an appropriately formatted and complete references list, incorporating all the sources used in the report. One reference entry is already
– the information in it is right but you will have to correct its presentation
and style. If you have any doubts whatsoever about how to format a
references list, please refer again to the referencing e-lesson.
[5] Overall presentation of the report 13 marks
1. The introductory paragraph has 10 major errors of spelling, punctuation and
grammar, and inappropriate academic English. Correct these errors.
2. Where you see the words Insert a heading here between the paragraphs,
replace this with a short, appropriate heading for the following paragraph or
item. NB: reports generally use headings – essays don’t.
3. Re-format the completed report. Use a font, font size, line-spacing, page
numbers, margins etc. which are appropriate for a formal piece of academic
work. Be consistent throughout. Refer to the academic writing e-lesson if you
need guidance here.
4. We reserve the right throughout to deduct marks for poor English, poor
presentation, or incorrect grammar, spelling or punctuation.
To finish
Submit your completed task to the i-zone, by 16:00 hours on 5th December 2013.
ONLY submit the completed referencing task sheet, stapled to the green submission slip: no extra sheets/folders/plastic wallets etc. If you hand in your assignment in
a plastic wallet or folder, these will be discarded during marking and not returned to you.
You are also required to submit a copy of the assignment through Turnitin: please follow
the instructions in this folder. Early in term 2 you will be emailed a report with your assignment result, and formative feedback.
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