

  • Essay
  • December 10th, 2013

African Americans from Southern California And Higher Education Custom Essay

Here is the feedback from my professor. Can you help with the final modification? I have uploaded the paper with the comments in chapter 2 and the (highlighted) recommendations. The feedback gives more detail.

I have reviewed and thoroughly discussed your Capstone Paper submitted on December 3rd. You have addressed the recommended edits suggested for Chapter 1.

1. With regards to Chapter 2, we request that you insert the Theoretical Framework section into your Chapter 2 following introduction. In Chapter

1, you have summary version of Framework. In Chapter 2, you now need to insert Theoretical Framework again, but this time describe in more detail

and relationship to study. Notice again that in Chapter 2 introduction you list Theoretical Framework as a section of your literature review but

you have not yet included it.

2. You have supported some claims that needed support reference citation. There are more that need to be addressed. We inserted comments again to

give you examples of three such statements. We did not identify all unsupported claims. a) Please provided sources to support the three claims to

which we attached comments. b) Go through your paper and highlight other claims that you recognize now need support. We won’t ask you to support

then all now. You can work on this later with your chair as you more thoroughly develop and refine Chapter 2. We are requesting highlights to

demonstrate that you are able to recognize claims that currently read as opinions.

3. Eliminate any spelling errors, punctuation errors, incomplete sentences, awkward sentences, etc. Proof carefully.

4. Please re-submit paper and we have expanded deadline to allow you to submit by Dec. 11th, 2013, by 5pm.

I attached recommendations for last time and highlighted those that were not fully addressed as summarized above."


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