An analysis on factors affecting manpower crunch singapore hotel industry Custom Essay
My research question will be on why do hospitality graduates refuse to work in hotel industry? we have to outline 3 areas you want to investigate in regards to the man power crunch Are you targeting the questions. You need to use theories to support. And the questions for quantitative method must have relation with the title . I am not sure I will you want to do it but this is what I can let you know . Also follow my university content and the rest as usual. you must include hypothesis in the conceptional framework it has link to the multiple choice survey questions, the research questions and also the research objective , once done send it to me i will email my friends and also go out and ask. in the dissertation you need to compare and contrast the manpower crunch for hotel industry example singapore compare to an oversea hotel industry the % of manpower crunch you also must find a model and explain why you choose this model and no the other model everything must be specific even the survey questions as well. it will be an analytical report no Wikipedia and survey monkey and other unauthorized websites to be use you are to find a survey form that has multiple choice questionnaire for me the methodology is quantitative method with 100 multiple choice survey forms distributed (it can be staffs or customers depend which one you pick) age 21 and above also if you want to put 21 to 31 which is 10 yrs of age all must follow the survey question must all be in order and must have sections this sections must have relation to the conceptual framework . Subtitle are counted as words counts. please use Microsoft words referencing tool beside the layout to the your re-fencing.
If you found one survey form related to the title which you are doing you can copy the entire form but do not paraphrase the survey form copy the whole survey form question directly redesign the survey form and send it to me. once i done the survey i will upload it to you and you convert for me the data in excel.
Quantitative method must uses excel to convert raw data into statistic in chapter 4 you need to list out the question example gender M % F% in a box slots of boxes need to be drawn you are to also include content page and use the reference tool beside layout inside Microsoft words to do your references.
For appendixes i need a copy of the survey form which is not been fill up to be attached in that column and other statistic to be include inside. total 10000 words and no plagiarism as i will be turnitin the references as well so if the references is colorful its fine but not the body part of the essay. no fake data or unauthorized is to be used.
The dissertation must also include opinion and also 70% of persuasion and 30% info meaning 3500 will be info the rest persuasion. Time Schedule Table 1 Time Schedule of Finalization of my Research by 18 of December i like you to send me chapter 1,2 and 3 descriptions.
You can continue to do the dissertation but when i ask for descriptions or what so ever please send it and comply .the abstract need to be done last usually . i will send you a content you follow that .
also i will tell you if any changes or extra instructions needed to be made please comply to all change and feedback from me. please follow up with my extra instructions and also changes until this dissertation completed.
You need to state how you collect secondary data and primary data and what are the advantages and disadvantages for collecting primary and secondary data must tell. No Wikipedia and untrusted website or survey monkey etc.
All data, reports and journals must be genuine and also. after we finish the dissertation you need to complete it with a self reflection .
I am not sure how many referencing but as much as possible.please remember uploading it into appendix the unfilled up survey form and others that are important like the statistics from raw data converted in excel.
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