Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Akange, S. S. (2016). Impact of potable water availability on economic development of north Benue state (Order No. 10240266). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1834498174). Retrieved from
This dissertation examines how economic development and social transformation deficiencies in Benue state, Nigeria are caused by lack of water or inadequate water supply.
The study conducts a quantitative, non-experimental and cross-sectional research to gauge of the lack of portable water availability in Benue state and its socioeconomic development impacts thereof.
Philosophical Approach
The researcher adopted a quantitative, non-experimental and cross-sectional approach in the study because it is best suited to examine the complex relationships and correlations that exist between variables. This approach is also more practical when conducting research on rural community settings where decision-making agencies are involved.
Underlying Assumptions
One of the paper’s underlying assumption is that the lack of portable water availability is directly linked to other variables. In addition, the paper’s second assumption is that the direct link between other variables and lack of potable water availability has significant impacts on Benue’s economic development and social change.
The researcher adopted survey-sampling methodology, where participants, were interviewed in lieu of the impacts of lack of potable water or its inadequacy on their economic and social development.
The researcher indicated that paper’s limitation is the lack of political will in Benue state to implement the findings of the study. According the researcher this lack of political will undermines the implementation of policies that seek to enhance social-economic development in Benue state.
Opportunities for further inquiry
The researcher indicated that there is need for further research on other areas that have the potential to serve as great opportunities to develop and improve Benue’s subsector services.
Validity of use
This dissertation was essential as it illustrated how lack of portable water availability has impacted Benue’s economic and social development.
Madsen, T. (2014). Evaluation of a leadership program's impact on participants and civic engagement (Order No. 3640165). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1619572076). Retrieved from
The dissertation explores how leadership programs have impacted the participants civic engagement in the US.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate and address the gap in the program assessment to effectively determine how it has impacted the participant’s civic engagement.
Philosophical Approach
The researcher adopted a mixed-method approach which focuses on increasing a leader’s capacity and to enable one to connect with the participants in a way that there is equitable sharing of resources and effect full change implementation.
Underlying Assumptions
The study contained several assumptions. The first underlying assumption in the study was that it was hoped that the responses given by the participants was honest and accurate. The second underlying assumption was that survey conducted in the research provided relevant data that addressed all the research questions.
The researcher used summative program evaluation based on Community Leadership Survey that was sent to the program’s association comprising of 448 graduates from 2003 to 2012 which had a total yield of 155 surveys.
The first limitation of the study was the inability of the programs curriculum design to reveal the long-term impacts on the graduates and the ability to achieve the program objectives. The second limitation was the lack of adequate resources, which hampered the ability to conduct an internal summative evaluation of the program. The third limitation was lack of adequate financial resources to contract external researchers.
Opportunities for further inquiry
The study illustrated that the local MWCLP and alumni association are the primary stakeholders who have an opportunity to address the gap between in the achieving the program objectives and decision-making authorities.
Validity of use
The study showed how program assessment impacted the participants engagement in civic duties.
Owusu-Achiaw, K. (2013). The effect of community participation on affordable housing: A study of a housing program in a borough of New York City (Order No. 3565621). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1415457665). Retrieved from
The research explores how community participation in reference formulating affordable housing.
The objective of this study was to examine how effective community participation via exploration of particular program in the US leads to affordable housing.
Philosophical Approach
The study employed community participation approach in reference to provision of affordable housing programs. The approach provides sustainable education and outreach programs to the public on the best ways and practices of having affordable housing.
Underlying Assumptions
The first underlying researcher’s assumption is that the selected participants in the study provided accurate and forthcoming responses in reference to the interview questions on the participants’ experience and knowledge in affordable housing. The second assumption was that the participants’ experiences were instrumental in helping them express their perceptions on community participation. The third assumption was that the participants voluntarily responded to interview questions.
The researcher used semi structured interviews where open-ended questions were posed to the participants and used to collect lived experiences.
(1). There was small sample used of the original population due to the participant’s financial and time constraints. (2) The views and responses expressed by the participants may not accurately reflect those of the selected community. (3) The research methodology used was inherently limited.
Opportunities for further inquiry
The research deducted that if community members played a leading role, there would be positive social change in reference to affordable housing. In addition, if extensive education is conducted, community members can be able to use their abilities to take effective measures to promote positive social change.
Validity of use
The study indicates that it is imperative for community members to have positive social change to address their housing needs.
Engelbright, C. L. (2015). Planning for a community supported farmers market in a rural USDA food desert (Order No. 3707617). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1696319272). Retrieved from
The study seeks to develop community initiative to illustrate how it can effectively address the inadequate access to fruits and vegetables to persons living in USDA designated food desert.
The study’s purpose is to develop and plan for implementation and evaluation of farmers who are supported by the community, residing in South Wood County to ensure that the farmers’ access to fruits and vegetables is increased.
Philosophical Approach
The researcher conducted the study based on three approaches. (1) Assembling interdisciplinary project team comprising of community stakeholders. (2) Use of literature review on the best practices to have a sustainable farmers’ market. (3) Creation of a development plan to review literature used in the study.
Underlying Assumptions
(1) Produce prices will reduce in the farmer’s market when compared to the local retail outlet. (2) Implementing local and sustainable food system will increase the access to fresh produce and at the same time increase the community health.
The researcher adopted survey-sampling methodology, where participants, were interviewed on the experiences on lack of affordable and fresh fruits and vegetables.
(1) There was limited community resident participation. (2) The town hall meeting used to conduct the meeting was small. (3) Bad weather conditions hampered travelling to conduct interviews and attend meetings. (4) The town hall meetings coincided with a large sporting event, which significantly reduced the level of attendance.
Opportunities for further inquiry
If there is a liaison between the community and other government authorities, the cost of fresh produce can significantly reduce and make it affordable and accessible.
Validity of use
The study was instrumental in seeking ways in which fresh produce can be made accessible and affordable.
Amabipi, A. K. (2016). Understanding host community distrust and violence against oil companies in Nigeria (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).Retrieved from
The study explores the reasons behind community distrust and violence against oil companies in Nigeria via use interviews.
The study seeks to gather comprehensive and contextual account of the causes of the said distrust and violence in addition to examining various elements that can be used to address the causes.
Philosophical Approach
The researcher uses sampling and survey approach to determine the root causes of distrust and violence that is experienced by oil companies in Nigeria.
Underlying Assumptions
Experiences of distrust and violence netted on oil companies will be communicated freely. (2) Authorities cannot control the distrust and violence on oil companies. (3) The experiences are not similar in all geographical areas. (4) Data collected is based on accurate responses. (6) Data collected is a representation of the host communities. (7) Study findings will provide peaceful management strategies. (8) Elements of social change spread from the affected villages to other communities. (9) Case study will portray the accurate story in reference to the host community and oil companies.
The researcher used interviews to ascertain the root causes of community distrust and violence on oil companies.
(1) The terrain impended access to various geographical locations. (2) Participants not giving accurate information. (3) Residents not willing to be interviewed.
Opportunities for further inquiry
The researcher deducted that if there is more transparency and coordination by the oil companies and the respective communities, the distrust would significantly reduce and the violence. Thus the researcher was of the view that there needs to be more studies to achieve this management practices.
Validity of use
The research was instrumental in determining the possible root causes of the said distrust and violence and the possible solutions.
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