

  • Essay
  • November 20th, 2013

As professional Social Service Workers it is our ethical responsibility to engage in a process of self-reflection in our practice Custom Essay

This assignment will allow you to start to deconstruct the various interrelationships between the: social, political, economic and cultural influences33. These influences have impacted you, both knowingly and unknowingly.
According to Joel Charon and the lectures, as human beings in society, we are primarily socially constructed. It is critical for us to be able to understand the construction of our reality so we can begin to deconstruct it. The deconstruction will help us to reconstruct our society in order to achieve social justice.
I. This Assignment is a reflective paper which is confidential. No one else will see this paper other than the instructor. However, no student is expected to disclose information they feel is too personal.
II. The application of course readings is necessary in Part Two and Three of the Assignment.
No outside research is necessary or permitted. You are required to reference your readings in your paper and use APA style of referencing. (bibme.com)
III. Due Week 14. Submit your assignment both electronically through the drop box on e- centennial and hand in a paper copy at the beginning of class. Late penalties will apply.

SSWP 115 2013 Power, Privilege and Oppression B. Fewster & M. McKenna Edwards
Part One:
1. Identify and discuss your own social location in the areas of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, language, age, socioeconomic class, ability/disability, and sexuality.
2. Produce a Power flower chart as the foundation of this section. A copy of your chart must be attached to the back of your paper. (No Charts will accepted that are not handed in with the paper on the due date and time.
3. Discuss the development of your social location. Your social location is your location in society that has been influenced by your personal location, personal history and experiences. In this part, try to capture the complexity and development of the interplay between your social and personal locations in the most important areas of your life. Remember that you are more complex that just a categories. Capture the complexities. What contributes to your complexity. What might surprise people given how you are socially located and how does your personal location changes things. Does your current context influence you?
Part Two:
Clearly identify and explain how you are an oppressed person and at the same time an oppressor. For example:
Ø What privileges, values and attitudes might you possess that might contribute and reinforce oppression and inequality in society?
Ø How do these attitudes and values get reinforced by power in society?
Ø For example, how do the stereotypes you hold contribute to discrimination in
society of a particular group?
Ø Do you ally and/or support people who are oppressed in a similar fashion to
yourself and if not why?
Ø You need to demonstrate personal authenticity in this section.
Example is how you may be buying from Walmart and dollar store so you are providing a market for products that uses cheap labour. That is how you are an oppressor. How you are oppressed at the same time you may not be able to get a job that keeps you out of poverty so this is how you are oppressed. So you are oppressed and an oppressor at the same time.
Part Three:
If the Social Service Work profession is correct that the personal is political and that private troubles are public issues, then what personal/societal barriers are critical for you to remove, given the values and ethics of social service work.
1. What personal barriers in the different social locations areas are you ethically bound to remove if you are going to diminish the possibility of your oppression of others and

SSWP 115 2013 Power, Privilege and Oppression B. Fewster & M. McKenna Edwards
taking responsibility as a global citizen in your personal and professional life. Do you hold stereotypes regarding groups of people, Are you homophobic or Islamaphobic, do you blame individuals for their poverty?
2. How will the removal of societal and personal barriers help you to reach your own liberation? How will the liberation of others make it a safer world for you?
3. Analyze the use of the world’s resources to achieve sustainability and equitable distribution of personal and global resources and how this relates to social justice and social service work. How does our exploitation of some forms of global labor benefit some at the expense of a great number of people, How do we globally exploit the environment.
4. What specific SMART (see page 2) goals can you set yourself to remove the barriers you have identified.
Grading Criteria:
1. Maximum length of 6 pages. One inch margins, Times New Roman normal, and character size of 12
2. Comprehensiveness of your answers in all 3 parts that includes the integration of Global Citizen Outcomes for course. (Reminder these are discussed in class and identified in you course outline.)
• GC&E Learning Outcome 1: Identify one’s roles and responsibilities as global
citizen in personal and professional life.
• GC&E Learning Outcome 4: Analyze the use of the world’s resources to achieve sustainability and equitable distribution of personal and global resources. How can we stop people living from one crisis to another?
3. Demonstration of significant reflections, linkages and critical thinking in the personal, social and economic areas. What do you think and why? What do you now see as connected?
4. Integration of course material. Videos, class, textbook, etc.
5. Chart attached at time paper is submitted. It will not be accepted later. You need to hand this in at the same time as your paper.
6. Effective sentence, paragraph development and grammar.
7. Papers are due either in class or by email before the beginning of class 2 a.m. prior to the class it is due in.
8. 10 % per day is deducted for late papers.
9. No Covers/folders on your papers, please. Just a title page and a staple in the left corner.

SSWP 115 2013 Power, Privilege and Oppression B. Fewster & M. McKenna Edwards
S – Specific
Ø Can your goal be broken down and measured. Can you break down you goal into smaller
steps. M- Motivational
Ø Is your goal one that emotionally charges you?
Ø Do you have the motivation and energy to carry out your goals? A – Accountable
Ø Can your goal be tracked and it includes your accountability? R- Responsible
Ø Did you build in accountability into your goal. T- Touchable
Ø What will you produce as a result of achieving your goal. Ø What will you see, hear, touch, smell or feel ?

SSWP 115 2013 Power, Privilege and Oppression B. Fewster & M. McKenna Edwards
Feedback Sheet*
Use this to evaluate your own paper. Notice this does not add up to a mark.
Length of 5 1⁄2 to 6 pages. One inch margins, Times New Roman normal, and character size of 12 Yes No
Comprehensiveness of your answers in all 3 parts.
• None
• Inadequate
• Adequate
• Excellent
• exceptional
Demonstration of significant reflections, linkages and critical thinking in the personal, social and economic areas.
• None
• Inadequate
• Adequate
• Excellent
• exceptional
Integration of course material (range and amount)
• None
• Inadequate
• Adequate
• Excellent
• exceptional
Chart attached at time paper is submitted. It will not be accepted later. Yes No
Effective sentence, paragraph development and grammar.
• None
• Inadequate
• Adequate
• Excellent
• exceptional
Papers handed in on time. Yes No ( reminder -10 % per day is deducted for late papers. )
No Covers/folders on your papers, please. Just a title page and a staple in the left corner. Yes No General Comments:
*The feedback sheet gives you specific feedback to help you improve you skills. The sections do not add up to get a mark.


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