

Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

Business Excellence and Quality Management Systems

Impalement EFQM model in their organization, in the assignment we need to find how they Impalement it and what is the results ( as assessor view) plus you should complete the excel sheet of the EFQM questionnaire which will be upload it more over the project structure also will be uploaded using the structure (word attached )

Human Resource Management

Essay should include theoretical and/or empirical material drawn from the course materials and reading. Your essay should be properly referenced and a bibliography must be included. The lectures and textbook alone are unlikely to provide a sufficient basis for a good essay mark - wider reading is required. Detailed guidelines for the successful completion of the coursework assessment are provided below. You are strongly encouraged to familiarise yourself with these prior to completing


Only Part 1, Part 3. Don't need to other part. Please follow the format. Also, I attached the memo. please be consulted the memo.

The Uniform Commercial Code

The Uniform Commercial Code governs sales contracts. Other contracts are governed primarily by contract common law. Identify a situation where the UCC differs from contract common law. Why do you think that difference exists?

The Open Offer Business Law

Jimmy, an art dealer and merchant, is running out of funds. Luckily, he owns a priceless Van Gogh painting. He writes his friend Tommy. The letter says “Tommy you remember that Van Gogh painting you were interested in buying? I will offer it to you for $500,000. I will give you one month to accept this offer.” Jimmy signs the letter. Tommy receives the letter, and he is very excited. He writes back two weeks later saying that he accepts, and Tommy encloses a check for $500,000. Unfortunately, Jimmy received a better offer for the painting, and Jimmy accepts that one.
  • Is there a breach of contract?
  • If so, what remedies may Tommy get?

The Open Offer Business Law

Jimmy, an art dealer and merchant, is running out of funds. Luckily, he owns a priceless Van Gogh painting. He writes his friend Tommy. The letter says “Tommy you remember that Van Gogh painting you were interested in buying? I will offer it to you for $500,000. I will give you one month to accept this offer.” Jimmy signs the letter. Tommy receives the letter, and he is very excited. He writes back two weeks later saying that he accepts, and Tommy encloses a check for $500,000. Unfortunately, Jimmy received a better offer for the painting, and Jimmy accepts that one.
  • Is there a breach of contract?
  • If so, what remedies may Tommy get?

multi-source feedback

Read the chapter then use the 3 articles and discuss the benefits & challenges of using “360 degree" or multi-source feedback systems. What data exist to support the strategic value of this approach in organizations? Include APA citations including page numbers.

performance management

Design a performance management system for a marriage counselor and a convenience store clerk. Use Exhibit 10.3 as a guideline. Highlight the important features of your performance management system. Use the text and 2 of the attached related journal articles as references in APA style with citations including page numbers

boomer and millenial motivations for jobs

Read Chapter then conduct brief interviews to Compare and contrast what motivates workers in different generations (don’t forget to ask the older interviewees about their motivations earlier in their careers), and suggest a compensation system that might be most motivating for each generation to promote high performance. Use one interview with an employee (or a family member, friend, or colleague) in his or her 20s or 30s. and a second interview with someone in his or her 50s, 60s, or 70s (Millennials vs baby boomers) Use the text and two attached references in APA citations including page numbers.

Labor Unions and Employers

Visit the websites for the Teamsters union (http://www.teamsters.com ) AND the website for the National Labor Relations Board (http://www.nlrb.gov). Compare and contrast what information is emphasized and the way information is presented on the labor organization site vs. the government site. What are the main issues that the union appears to be pursuing? Do these issues appear well-matched to the needs of the workforce describe three ways these websites are valuable for employers and three ways of how this site is valuable to union leaders. Then Contrast the style of labor unions in the United States to that found in other countries. Use APA format and citations including page numbers. Use two peer journal articles in your analysis.