

Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

costs for replacement of a Training & Development Professional

Calculate the turnover costs of a Training & Development Professional (non-profit child welfare trainer in the US) assuming the voluntary resignation of a long-term employee in the position. Consider the economic and non-economic costs in your analyses. Describe any difficulty you have coming to an accurate accounting of these costs. What recommendations could you make to the organization to manage these costs? Use at least 2 peer reviewed journal articles to support your analysis. (Ones that I can access) in APA style. If you cannot answer for the specified amount then please don't bother answering.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions & the US & Mexico

Reading Ch 14 and then incorporate & answer the following: Consider Exhibit 14.1 illustrating examples of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions across cultures. Look at the U.S. and Mexico & discuss how would you set up HR programs and practices differently for the same organization operating in these two different nations? Where would you place your priorities in terms of meeting cultural and national expectations? Suppose you had 5 minutes to give a strategic HR briefing to a high-level executive with years of experience in one country, but none in the other. What would you tell him or her? Use 2 peer reviewed articles in addition to the text (that I can also access). Use APA style and cite including page numbers.

Integrating Sustainable Development into International Business

I required a research proposal for PhD degree in the United Kingdom in one of these titles: 1) Integrating Sustainable Development into International Business. or 2) Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Sustainable Development. Please try to consider Human Resource Management in your writing.

Cost classification and recording

The following headings are suggestions that students may wish to incorporate in the body of the project. The profit and loss account and the balance sheet: types of costs and cost recording methods. The project is likely to include notes on fixed, variable, step, and mixed costs. It will also include information on direct and indirect costs and the marginal and absorption costing systems. It is suggested that the student shows examples of both profit and loss accounts and balance sheets, explaining the nature in the meaning of salient entries in the examples

International Business Environment

When building a new organization or when an organization experiences dramatic growth, leaders must determine the structure and culture of the organization. Although the culture will evolve over time and each individual that joins the new organization will leave some imprint on the culture, it is the leaders’ responsibility to define how the organization will look and how individuals will behave. Prepare a draft document that defines the new organization and addresses the following considerations:
  • What type of structure will be best suited to a multinational Internet retailer? Why?
  • How would you recommend building a culture that was inclusive of diverse cultures and accommodates highly creative technical staff?
  • How would you measure the success of your organizational design in structure and culture?

Change in business

Within this unit, we discussed how businesses may need to adapt to changing times in order to stay competitive. Their initial practices may have worked well previously, but may not serve them well in the long term. The newspaper industry is one that may face extinction. Explain why they may need to rethink their business strategy, and provide some advice on possible strategic management changes. Be specific to include goals/objects, strengths, and weaknesses.

Targeting Risks

  • How is the effectiveness of public relations best measured? Explain your answer. What are three types of evaluation techniques used in PR? Provide examples of each.
  • What are some risks involved in targeting specific groups in a PR campaign? What could go wrong?

Case Study public relation

Select one of the following
  • Walmart's Bribery Shutdown,
  • Rise and Fall of Queen Martha, 
Answer and prepare an analysis for the following questions in which you evaluate the effectiveness of communication between an organization and its publics.
  1. Create a table or brief outline identifying the internal and external publics involved in the case study. Answer in 175 to 260 words.
  2. Expand on the table/outline created in #1 and add:  What public relations communications tools and techniques were used to inform, influence and motivate the public(s)? Answer in 350 words.
  3. What impact did the communications used by the organization have on the intended publics? Provide at least three specific examples.  Answer in 260 to 350 words.
  4. How could the message have been communicated more effectively?  Discuss at least two tools that coul

Crisis Communications

  • Why is it important for an organization to communicate quickly and honestly in a crisis situation? Why is it important to integrate anticipated crisis responses in an organization's proactive PR planning?
  • What potential effects might a crisis have on an organization? What are the benefits of an organization developing a proactive crisis management plan? Explain your answer.

Contractual Remedies Business Law

Haply Inc. contracts with Barksdale LLC to have an engine repaired. After much negotiation, the parties agree that the engine will be repaired and reinstalled at Haply’s facilities in 5 days. Haply plans on losing $40,000 a day for each day the engine is not delivered after the five-day window (this is the cost for a replacement engine). Haply tells Barksdale’s representatives that if the engine is not repaired on time that bad press will cause Haply to lose a client’s business totaling $3,000,000. Barksdale does not complete the contract until day 7. It cost Haply $500 to secure the delivery of a replacement engine. The actual rental of the replacement engine cost $40,000 a day. And Haply lost the business of a client totaling $3,000,000. Haply sues Barksdale for incidental, consequential and compensatory damages. The court finds that there is a breach of contract. What are the consequential, incidental, and compensatory damages that Barksdale is liable for in this case? Be su