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CS116 Week 8 Assignment – 79218

CS116 Week 8 Assignment in Visual Studio Programming

Object-oriented Programming (OOP) / Event-Driven Programming (EDP) versus Procedural Programming

Technical Paper: Object-oriented Programming (OOP) / Event-Driven Programming (EDP) versus Procedural Programming (PP) Use the Internet,university or ACM databases to research the advantages, features, and common examples of OOP and EDP. Note: You may use the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library to support research on the above topics. Avoid using priviously submitted paper(avoid plagarism). Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: 1.     Identify at least two (2) advantages to using OOP as compared to using only PP. 2.     Create one (1) original example of a class with at least one (1) attribute and one (1) method. Identify what the class in question represents, the attributes the class stores, and the purpose of the related method. Next, examine the relationship between the class, attributes, and methods that you have identified. 3.     Descri

IT professional in charge of security for a small pharmacy

Suppose you are the IT professional in charge of security for a small pharmacy that has recently opened within a shopping mall. The daily operation of a pharmacy is a unique business that requires a combination of both physical and logical access controls geared towards protecting medication and funds located on the premises, as well as the personally identifiable information and protected health information of your customers that resides on your system. Your supervisor has tasked you with identifying inherent risks associated with your pharmacy and establishing strong physical and logical access control methods to mitigate the identified risks. 1) Firewall (1) 4) Desktop computers (4) 2) Windows 2012 Active Directory Domain Controllers (DC) (1) 5) Dedicated T1 Connection (1) 3) File Server (1) Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:
  1. Identify at least five (5) potential physical threats that require attention.
  2. Determine the impact of at least f

correct JAVA code running in Android studio

I create Java code in android studio to create booking application when I complier give me error please find below code Please find attachment file I need to create mobile application (Hotel and airline Booking ) as below mention My Project Idea to create application for booking (Airline and Hotel) Will create database for hotel name and Airlines name Will create button for go next page after full the information Will create list of choice of hotel and airline Will create list of country Will create select button and quiet button I will use button with color for every activity for use to after full of the require information by press the next button to go next activity. - In the first activity Create application button name is Airline and Hotel booking and will use data base to insert names for hotel name and Airline In the first activity chose the type booking Airline booking or Hotel booking There is two button one for Hotel booking other Airlin

write Summary and Critique

You are required to use research article from the below list of articles and write Summary and Critique of selected article (maximum two A4 pages in 12 size Times New Roman font). A critique is not (only) a criticism. A critique is a specific style of essay in which you identify, evaluate, and respond to an author's ideas, both positively and negatively. To learn more about “How to write a critique”, explore this link: http://www.uis.edu/ctl/wp-content/uploads/sites/76/2013/03/Howtocritiqueajournalarticle.pdf 1. Basit, Hamid Abdul, and Stan Jarzabek. "A data mining approach for detecting higher-level clones in software." Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 35.4 (2009): 497-514.

write Summary and Critique

You are required to use research article from the below list of articles and write Summary and Critique of selected article (maximum two A4 pages in 12 size Times New Roman font). A critique is not (only) a criticism. A critique is a specific style of essay in which you identify, evaluate, and respond to an author's ideas, both positively and negatively. To learn more about “How to write a critique”, explore this link: http://www.uis.edu/ctl/wp-content/uploads/sites/76/2013/03/Howtocritiqueajournalarticle.pdf 1. Basit, Hamid Abdul, and Stan Jarzabek. "A data mining approach for detecting higher-level clones in software." Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 35.4 (2009): 497-514.

Reflection Report

Read the attachment ( HALL BOOKING SYSTEM AT EXPO 2020) after that open the other attachment (AT5) and answer the content.

ADesignatedQueryProtocolforServerlessMobileRFIDSystemswith ReaderandTagPrivacy

I would like to you do a report on this paper attached on this message " ADesignatedQueryProtocolforServerlessMobileRFIDSystemswith ReaderandTagPrivacy ".

Literature Review Required for IT Disposal Best Practice Methods

I.T. equipment often has a short life span of a few years – what are the costs of disposal ?

aspect based opinion mining

rewrite and update ( to 2016 ) the related work of this paper https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwipsq7T5N3QAhUDNhoKHdb3CZgQFggiMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Feprints.qut.edu.au%2F86572%2F1%2FAspect%2520based%2520Opinion%2520Mining%2520using%2520CRF%2520by%2520Amani%2520Samha%2520.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHiKyHVVvVifaaqT7CIHbLwH77X6A&sig2=RsXYco-bzajtIylIxdaiuw