Unit 2 Discussion 2: Project Feedback
Script design and creation can be a complex task. Often it is helpful to share your work with others so that you can get feedback on your work.
In your discussion post:
- Attach or post the contents of your script including the pseudo code.
- Identify any issues that you may be having on the script and any assistance/clarification you would like from your classmates and/or instructor.
- When responding, first respond to their specific requests for assistance. If these have been addressed or they have none, review their script and comment on how their script can better meet the requirements of the grading rubric.
PROBLEMS # 2, #4 & #6: Basic definitions and reasons for using this test.
PROBLEM # 10: See if you can apply this analysis.
PROBLEM #17: This has all the calculations involved. Can you find the critical F-value from the Table? The p-value can also be approximated from that Table. (Find an F-Table that you like on line)
The Table asked for has these headings: SOURCE (with these categories down the side: age, time, age x time, error and total), then continuing across the top: df, SSQ, MS, F and P. Go ahead and fill it in.
PROBLEMS #1 through 8 (count as ONE problem): This is all about knowing the why and when about this test.
PROBLEMS #9 through 15 (count as ONE problem): This involves working a basic F-test problem. Can you find the
Unit 3 Discussion: DNS
Active Directory requires DNS to function. You know there are two types of DNS out there, one from Microsoft that runs in Windows, and an open-source version called BIND.
Which DNS would you choose? Why that one?
Unit 4 Project
You are continuing the design of your solution for ECPI EMR. Use Microsoft Word (via XenDesktop if necessary).
Due to the security needs related to the exchange of medical record information, ECPI EMR requires the implementation of a public key infrastructure (PKI) for the new network. They would like to secure the transmission within the network as well as manage and verify the identity of users who access components in the network. Remember, the EMR application utilizes a browser-based (not web-based) interface instead of a locally installed client, thus an internal CA is suitable since transmissions are within the network. .
Part 1
50 points
In a one-page Word document, describe the components of your CA solution for ECPI EMR. Include any hardware, software, and components to be in
Unit 4 Project
You are continuing the design of your solution for ECPI EMR. Use Microsoft Word (via XenDesktop if necessary).
Due to the security needs related to the exchange of medical record information, ECPI EMR requires the implementation of a public key infrastructure (PKI) for the new network. They would like to secure the transmission within the network as well as manage and verify the identity of users who access components in the network. Remember, the EMR application utilizes a browser-based (not web-based) interface instead of a locally installed client, thus an internal CA is suitable since transmissions are within the network. .
Part 1
50 points
In a one-page Word document, describe the components of your CA solution for ECPI EMR. Include any hardware, software, and components to be in
Unit 4 Discussion: Third-Party CA
- It is possible to have a third-party CA as part of your PKI? Would you want to? Why or why not?
- What is the difference between asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption? Which would you use in your Windows Server 2008 domain and why?
Feel free to reference sources outside the course and textbook, but cite your sources, and do not plagiarize.
Unit 4 Project
Due to the security needs related to the exchange of medical record information, ECPI EMR requires the implementation of a public key infrastructure (PKI) for the new network. They would like to secure the transmission within the network as well as manage and verify the identity of users who access components in the network. Remember, the EMR application utilizes a browser-based (not web-based) interface instead of a locally installed client, thus an internal CA is suitable since transmissions are within the network. .
Part 1
50 points
In a one-page Word document, describe the components of your CA solution for ECPI EMR. Include any hardware, software, and components to be installed or configured for the network.
Save your file as Lastname_CIS256_U4_Project-1.doc