

Archive for the ‘Economics’ Category

The Coase Theorem

Prepare a 2-3 page paper using APA format discussing how the Coase Theorem provides an alternative to government regulation and provision of services. How is the definition of private property a critical part of this analysis? Download Coase Theorem pdf Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.

Money and the Prices in the Long Run and Open Economies

Purpose of Assignment  Week 3 will help students develop an understanding of what money is, what forms money takes, how the banking system helps create money, and how the Federal Reserve controls the quantity of money. Students will learn how the quantity of money affects inflation and interest rates in the long run, and production and employment in the short run. Students will find that, in the long run, there is a strong relationship between the growth rate of money and inflation. Students will review the basic concepts macroeconomists use to study open economies and will address why a nation's net exports must equal its net capital outflow. Students will demonstrate the relationship between the prices and quantities in the market for loanable funds and the prices and quantities in the market for foreign-currency exchange. Student will learn to analyze the impact of a variety of government policies on an economy's exchange rate and trade balance.

Why were the homeowners in New London fighting for private rights?

Why were the homeowners in New London fighting for private rights?

International Financial Markets and Institutions. Banking Modules.

Define monetary policy, and discuss the operation of monetary policy in Singapore over the last 10 years. 2,000 word limits. Hardvard referencing.   Bachelor Degree level.

Evaluation of Agency’s Ethics, Cooperation, Leadership, and Legal Decisions

Assignment 3: Evaluation of Agency’s Ethics, Cooperation, Leadership, and Legal Decisions   As a consultant, you need to develop an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the selected Agency’s Ethics, Cooperation, Leadership, and Legal Decisions and then provide recommendations for improvement. Therefore, you will conduct interviews with agency representatives and research-related academic sources and government Websites. The analysis will be read by the VP of Accounts and Client Support as well as by the leaders of the agency for whom you are working.   Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:
  1. Analyze two to three (2-3) current events from the past two (2) years (using the e-Activity in Week 4*) focusing on the administrative responsibility and ethical implications to the stakeholders, organization, and public regarding the issues in described in the current event. (Title this section Administrative Ethics.) (*Go to

Econ w4 assignment

Assignment 1: Article Analysis Due Week 4 and worth 240 points   Locate a news article about an issue that has been addressed in Weeks 1 through 3 (e.g., poverty, pollution, etc.) in order to conduct a meta-analysis of the author’s economic perspective of the selected issue.   Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
  1. Provide a brief overview / synopsis of the issue.
  2. Discuss the model or economic theory that relates to the issue presented in the news article.
  3. Discuss what economic theory states and predicts about the issue presented in the news article.
  4. Assess how the situation / issue presented in the news article aligns with economic theory. For example, does it make sense from an economic perspective; is the outcome presented in the article what economic theory would predict; etc.?
  5. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources.Note: Wikipedia and other Web

The Economies / Countries of any one Region

The Economies / Countries of any one Region

1980’s Economic History

I need 17 power point slides outlining specific items from the 1980's economy and policies.  Once agreed up I will provide the template and Ruberic

1980's Economic History

I need 17 power point slides outlining specific items from the 1980's economy and policies.  Once agreed up I will provide the template and Ruberic


Provide a brief introduction to your study to remind your classmates what we are reading about here.  You will also title your thread accordingly (do not include the week # or your name).  This week we talk about the uses of a crosstabulation and the benefits of creating this "snapshot" of your data.  Create a crosstab for your data and include in the post.  Be sure to explain your findings.  You will also identify the following about your study:
  1. Your overall research question;
  2. The research hypothesis and null hypothesis