Use charts, graphs, and tables as needed to answer the questions below.
].%u0432%u0402%u045C It is to be 1.5-lines spaced, 11-point Times New Roman font and will include the following:
1) a plan for building 2 aerotropolises in the country of Ehiopia
2) why two aerotropolises should be built in this country
3) should these facilities also be charter cities? If so, why? If not, why not?
4) proposed geographical locations of these facilities %u0432%u0402%u201C city, region, province, etc.
5) descriptions of these facilities which will include the amenities, number and length of runways, connector roads/rail lines, etc.
6) what products/services will be exported/imported to/from these facilities
7) what these facilities will cost and how long it will take for them to be fully operational
8) what additional infrastructure will be needed to support these facilities
9) the impact on employment, economic growth, and aggregate GDP of these facilities once they%u0432%u0402%u2122re fully operati
The model below is for an APT (arbitrage pricing theory)-type multiple regression analysis and it investigates what influences the rate of return on a company’s shares.
ERCOMPANYt = ?+?1ERSFTSEt+ ?2TERMt + ?3EXCHANGEt+ ?4INFLATIONt + ?5DMONEYt+ ?6OILt +?t (1) The dependent variable (ERCOMPANY) is the company’s excess return based on its
share price {labelled as COMPANY in the Excel data spreadsheet}. Note that you are expected to construct this variable yourself, knowing that excess return means the additional return on top of risk-free rate proxy,
i.e., TBILLSHORT as explained below.
The explanatory variables are: I. ERSFTSE: excess rate of return based on the FTSE ALL SHARE index in
London Stock Exchange {labelled as FTSE in the Excel data spreadsheet}. II. TERM: The difference between annual returns on 20-year government bonds and 3-month treasury bills {labelled as TBILLLONG and TBILLSHORT,
respectively, in the Excel data spreadsheet}.
Throughout the semester, we have extensively learned about different types of money and how they are woven together by a system of dealers consisting of the central bank, banks, and security dealers to form a hierarchy of money. Our journey so far has focused on the functioning of the hierarch from the perspective of the system of dealers. The goal of this assignment is to take our journey one step further by delving into how different types of liquidity risks arise in the hierarchy, how they are interlinked, and how the central bank can manage them. In answering the following essay questions, try to use your own words to convey the main piece of information and the key line of reasoning. Quoting too heavily or failing to quote properly will result in little or no credit.
1. Definitions. Define and explain three main types of liquidity, namely, the central bank liquidity, funding liquidity, and market liquidity.
2. Liquidity linkages in normal times. Explain how the three types of li
The model below is for an APT (arbitrage pricing theory)-type multiple regression analysis and it investigates what influences the rate of return on a company’s shares.
ERCOMPANYt = ?+?1ERSFTSEt+ ?2TERMt + ?3EXCHANGEt+ ?4INFLATIONt + ?5DMONEYt+ ?6OILt +?t (1) The dependent variable (ERCOMPANY) is the company’s excess return based on its
share price {labelled as COMPANY in the Excel data spreadsheet}. Note that you are expected to construct this variable yourself, knowing that excess return means the additional return on top of risk-free rate proxy,
i.e., TBILLSHORT as explained below.
The explanatory variables are: I. ERSFTSE: excess rate of return based on the FTSE ALL SHARE index in
London Stock Exchange {labelled as FTSE in the Excel data spreadsheet}. II. TERM: The difference between annual returns on 20-year government bonds and 3-month treasury bills {labelled as TBILLLONG and TBILLSHORT,
respectively, in the Excel data spreadsheet}.
Read Assignment 5 guidelines attached and notes below. I already chose the location (please see attached). I already did research part of ESRI Business Analyst Online. If I am missing anything please let me know.
I'd like to make a few suggestions on Assignment 5 when you work on it:
1. Have more specific details by looking at the 5-minute and 10-minute drive-time characteristics. You can even look at the characteristics for the 5/10/15 minute walk time, depending on the nature and target market of your development.
2. Look at the market potential profiles compiled by ESRI Business Analyst Online to help justify your market feasibility analysis.
3. Look at the tapestry segmentation profiles compiled by ESRI Business Analyst when conducting the market feasibility analysis.
4. Use the HUD excel models for financial analysis of your project. Then calculate the NPV, IRR, and profitability indices to further justify financial feasibility.
5. Describe the site, such as location, zoning
Select one of the two following topics:
1. Investing in mutual funds: Select one mutual fund from each of three different firms. Acquire information about the funds, their policies, their costs, etc. Track and graph the value(s) of the funds for 6 months, i.e. from 02/01/2016 through 07/28/2016. Determine your before-tax rate of return on each of the funds (including your costs of investment). Assess the relative performance of each of the funds.
2. Investing in a private residence: Select a private residence currently on the market. Acquire
information, estimate costs, and generate a cash flow associated with investing in the residence.
Based on your results, determine the after-tax income that you will need in order to afford the
residence. Note that being qualified for a mortgage does not necessarily mean that one can
actually "afford" the residence.
Note: There are a number of sites on the internet from which information and guidance can be
acquired regarding bot
1- Grading Rubric and list of titles
2- Example of the paper ( How it will look like )
I want from you to do the following:
- Choose four titles and each title has 1 page.
- Collect all titles in one document word.
- Make a list of content for pages.
- Make a preface page such as the example page ( page 2 )
- Make a reference page.
This paper should be 5 pages double space.
Professor: This global world was made from economic point of view (See the people that made it happen(sense of dejavue), why crash happened if they knew it (Elites had to let it happen)
--> This writing is bade on the video: "Commanding heights, Episode 3." I attached the guidelines for the Assignment. The paper should answer for sure the bold questions, and also includes the others to reach enough pages. Furthermore, you should answer the paper from own point of view of the situation, not like basic academic answers.
Module : Financial Econometrics
Please do Questions E, F and G
I will upload the assignment brief, The Excel and the Questions i did myself so far.
It's a case study regarding transaction costs economics