DATABASE SOLUTIONS (2nd Edition) solution to review
In the absence of epidemiological studies, how would you make recommendations to control exposures to workers and the environment? Be specific and provide examples.
Describe the contributions to toxicology that were made by early toxicologists. Be specific and include examples.
Each question minimum 200 words with cited references
Identify the types of epidemiology studies that are used to prove that a given substance resulted in changes in human health.
Your readings this week focus heavily on the proliferation and use of nuclear energy and its potential to impact the global climate. Additionally, your required multimedia sources discuss a number of nontraditional energy saving technologies. These technologies include such innovations as cool roofs, electric vehicles, alternative light bulbs, and smart grid systems and could provide significant environmental benefits in the near future. In your initial post, compare and contrast one nontraditional energy-saving technology of your choice with nuclear energy generation. Make sure to address the pros and cons of both production technologies and discuss which technology you believe has the better chance of becoming a reliable alternative energy source in the near future.
Over the duration of this course, you have learned about a number of nonrenewable and renewable energy sources. Based on this information, you are to write a research-based paper that utilizes scholarly sources to discuss one of these resources in detail.
10,000 gallons per day of wastewater enters a 1500 gallon activated sludge tank. The raw wastewater has a SS = 200 ppm and a BOD = 230 ppm. The MLSS needs to be 2800 ppm and the effluent SS should be less than 10 ppm. The total wasted sludge has a Q of 5 GPD with a SS concentration of 6000 ppm.
- Calculate the recycle flow, Qr, required. (8710 GPD)
- Calculate the F/M ratio in lbs BOD/lbs SS – day (0.55 lb BOD/lb SS-day)
- Calculate the BOD Loading in lbs BOD/day – 1000 ft3(95.6)
- Based on these calculations, is the activated sludge tank over designed or under designed? What could you do to remedy this situation?
Q2) Colloidal gold has been released into the water supply from an electronics manufacturing plant. These particles are 0.1 mm in size with a specific gravity of 19.3. Your water treatment plant has 3 clarifiers each with a volume of 0.3 mill
The challenge is to discuss how to best balance competing demands that affect an organization’s corporate social responsibility commitments.
What might be some reasons that the construction industry has a higher fatality rate than other industries?
Your response should be at least 75 words in length.
As a safety professional, you have been asked to create a handbook explaining the various types of biological agents employees may have contact with in the workplace. In addition, you have been asked to include information regarding the basic exposure mechanisms for biological agents, methods of evaluation and control for biological agents, and methods of sampling for biological agents. You may use the training topics discussed on pages 128-129 of your textbook as a guide. Also, please feel free to use the CSU online library to locate additional information that you feel should be included in your handbook.