Compare and contrast the four levels of protection used during spill response and cleanup activities. In your discussion, provide an example of a spill or cleanup scenario for each level
The course textbook discusses four basic steps necessary in developing an effective spill prevention and response plan. Discuss the role of the safety professional in each of these steps.
Explain the basic principles involved in establishing a site layout for a spill or release response. In your response, include the requirements for air and personnel monitoring
Review the five tasks required for implementation of a HazCom program. If your current organization, or one with which you are familiar, was just starting to implement a HazCom program, which of the five tasks do you think would be the most challenging? Discuss the reasons for your choice
Compare and contrast the newly revised GHS-based requirements for information on Safety Data Sheets (SDS) in 29 CFR 1910.1200 with the previous HazCom Standard requirements for information on Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) that are discussed on pages 95-96 in the textbook. How will these changes improve worker safety
List and briefly discuss the three major elements OSHA requires for written hazard communication programs.
Does OSHA require employees to be trained on each individual chemical to which they may be exposed
What does OSHA mean by employee “immediate access” to SDSs?