

Archive for the ‘ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE’ Category

Hazard Communication Standard

According to the Hazard Communication Standard, what employees need to be trained, and when do they need to be trained?

What does OSHA mean by employee “immediate access” to SDSs?

Explain the differences between training, education, and instruction

Explain the differences between training, education, and instruction. How could the designer of a hazard communication program use all three of these learning concepts effectively?

Threads for Ecology and Environmental Sustainability

Humans interact with various species every day without actually realizing it. In the field of ecology, these interactions can either be interspecific (between species) or intraspecific (within species). Interactions between humans are known as intraspecific (within species) interactions. For example, interactions between a human and a pet would be interspecific, whereas interactions between a human and another human would be intraspecific.

Research interspecific and intraspecific interactions using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

Explain why a certain sport is your favorite

Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

explain why Pluto was “demoted” to a dwarf planet.

In your own words, explain why Pluto was "demoted" to a dwarf planet.

the article entitled “HazMat Emergencies

Your response must be at least 800 words in length. All sources used, including this article, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying in-text and reference citations in APA format

What are some of the weather characteristics where you live that might create problems during a spill response or cleanup operation?

We may not be able to control the weather, but we can use weather characteristics to assess risks in hazardous material spills. What are some of the weather characteristics where you live that might create problems during a spill response or cleanup operation? Your response must be at least 150 words in length.

What are the differences between threshold limit value and permissible exposure limit

What are the differences between threshold limit value and permissible exposure limit? Which one should be used when considering the toxicity of a spilled hazardous material? Your response must be at least 150 words in length.

Explain the purpose and function of the National Response Center.

Your response must be at least 150 words in length.