Create an essay support, defend, challenge, dispute, or qualify the issue. You MUST present the opposing view(s), while clearly and effectively supporting your own opinion. Must be 4-6 FULL typed pages. Double spaced, 12 pt times new roman. Must be legitimate sources(no wiki) PROPER HEADING. One inch margins all 4 sides. Proper pagination. Works cited page. ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM. Due march 26! Thanks so much!!!
What is extreme poverty? To what degree would you describe meeting Goal 1 Target 1 of the Millennium Development Goals as a ‘success’?
THESE 2 questions for the interview
2. Identify what you regard as your biggest weakness. What would it be, and is there anything you are able to do to improve it?
3. If you were required to discipline a close work colleague, who you knew had personal issues ongoing, how would you approach this situation, would you tackle the problem any differently and if so why?
What is a primary source? It can be defined as anything created by someone
involved in an event, about the event. For example, it could be a diary or a
picture. The following URLs will take you to places on the web that discuss
primary sources:
• "Identifying Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources." William Madison
Randall Library at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington
• "Using Primary Sources on the Web." American Library Association's Reference
and User Services Association
Note that, with the current technology, primary sources can be digitized and
presented on the web for viewing and analysis. And while there is no substitute
to holding the actual source and studying it, we cannot always make the trips
required to view and study them. So having digital copies becomes a helpful
To what extent has the integration of states and societies into globalised economic, social, military and political processes and relationships resulted in increased risk and vulnerability to system changes and shocks?
this is a group presentation , and I`m focusing on the social side , what I need is a set of notes for the social perspective of the question nothing else .
Locate a current news article that relates to future trends of web technologies or digital media. Include an analysis of potential change and impact on society. All responses must be substantive.
Part 2: This discussion focuses on Digital Media's Impact on Society and Web Technology:
Locate a digital graphics or design that you think in some way transformed communications or impacted society.
For this task you are asked to collect data and conduct initial analysis using Netlytic. Create a Netlytic account and start importing a dataset (this could be Twitter but does not have to be). Use Netlytic to analyze that dataset. You should select either text analysis or network analysis. Be sure to provide a basic interpretation of the graphs, images of the graphs themselves, and an explanation of what this kind of analysis could be useful for.
Be sure to pay attention to the editing process and provide evidence that you made the changes.
• Task title and date
• Overview of steps taken (100-150 words)
• Any problems or challenges encountered and how they were overcome (100-150 words)
• At least two specific examples of how this tool could be practically used in a management setting and/or a job you see yourself in (200-250 words)
• Include visual and audio aids were appropriate
I am planing to do my thesis ,I want to do it part part.this section will be part of the LR my thesis title is A Comparative Study of Staff Satisfaction in Accredited and Non-Accredited Hospitals in Saudi Arabia .
this section will be quality section
1- I need it as interpretation not descriptive
2- must ensure that the Harvard APA 6 rules are fully followed in both in-text citations and in the References List at the end.
3- the reference should be new not before 2007.
4- please follow the plan which I will upload it ,and if you feel you can add or modify the style
to make it better it is okay.
if this work become good I will do all my thesis and I will stick with the writer.
I send a lot of references before with my first order please use it ,If you can not find it please ask me to send it again
For this week's Application Assignment, you complete two problems in which you produce and interpret descriptive statistics using SPSS.
To prepare for this Application Assignment:
•Review this week's assigned readings from the course text
•Review this week's PowerPoint
•Review this week's Media
•Participate in the Study Group Area
To complete this Application Assignment, answer the following problems:
Problem 2.1: Using the SPSS dataset alcohol.sav, complete the following using SPSS:
1.Calculate the mean and standard deviation for age.
2.Produce a scatterplot for age.
3.Produce a boxplot for age.
4.Produce a histogram for age.
5.Describe how the boxplot and histogram for age compares to the distribution you would expect with a normal distribution.
Problem 2.2: In Week 1 you opened and looked at the dataset bd1.sav, and the variable agegrp. Using this dataset and SPSS, complete the following:
1.Produce a scatterplot of data collected for BMI (y axis) stratified by agegrp (x
For your eight-10 page research paper, you may choose one of the following approaches.
1. Choose an author that interests you.
2. Choose an approach:
A. Socio-political: If you choose this approach, you will look at social or political issues that were present when the novel was set.
B. Thematic: If you choose this approach, you will choose three short works written by the author and explore how the writer works with similar themes, techniques, or style.
C. Theoretical: When you use a theory to look at literature, it’s like you’re changing the shade of the glasses with which you look it. It is still the same work of literature, but you see it differently based on the shade you are using. Here are some different “shades” or theories:
1. Feminism: What Feminist Critics Do:
• Rethink the canon, aiming at the rediscovery of texts written by women
o You could argue why one of the novels should be part of the canon, the way Walker has argued for Hurston.
• Revalue women’s exper
As you have learned, mindsets and biases influence how we perceive every event, person and thing we see. Write a paper explaining how these are formed and what we can do to overcome them. Give at least two examples of how specific biases have appeared in a homeland security setting. Your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages and should be written with good grammar and APA style citations and references. Use double-spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font.