The mode of assessment is a Case Study analysis in which students explore an
example of ?responsible management? in their professional field or specialist discipline,
and include examples of evidence which have informed the analysis.
The Case Study Analysis can take one of three formats: (You should Choose a Fashion Industry as this case study)
(i) A ?Responsible Management audit? of a leading organisation in the student?s
professional field or specialist discipline. Students must document and evaluate
how far the governance, management and operation (e.g. resource use, behaviour
and outputs) of the organisation they have selected complies with the Principles
of the UN Global Compact by analysing a corporation?s annual ?Communication on
Progress? report. This comprises four dimensions:
Human Rights - Business should support and respect the protection of
international human rights; and make sure they are not complicit in human
rights abuses;
Labour Rights - Business
You must provide a clear understanding as to the problem you are addressing.
Your sources will help provide support to the position you have chosen.
You must also find sources that disagree with the position you have chosen and explain why you still are behind the your argument once again with the use of sources.
The Company that the paper is on is O2
"Consider that you are a part of a group of Trainee Market Analysts whose manager requires you to analyse the market position and financial performance of the company for the last 5 years.
For the above, you should:
• Analyse the past company financial performance in relation to inflation for the last 5 years (use a graph of Index Series for Turnover and Gross Profit from FAME alongside a relevant Price Index;
• summarise the financial performance of your group’s company in relation to the main competitors in the sector (use graphs and tables which you have prepared of relevant financial ratios);"
Investigative Tool: The use of informants is a valuable investigative tool. The information that can be gained from informants could help to learn the truth, answer questions and solves cases. Informants are considered viable private sources of information. With this in mind answer the following questions.
1. Why are professional contacts considered to be a valuable source of confidential information? Cite an example to support your answer.
2. Select the three types of informants, from the text, that you consider to be the most useful, valuable and credible in acquiring information. Briefly explain your rationale for each selection.
3. What are the informant control stages? Cite a brief explanation of each stage.
Essay should demonstrate understanding of the role of the community in education, and you development of collaborative relationships with colleagues, parents/guardian, and the larger community to support student learning and well-being. Essay needs to address the following questions:
*What impact does the school community - students, parents/guardians, teachers, staff, and administrators - have on the educational environment of a school and student learning?
*What impact does the larger community - residents, organizations, institutions, and local businesses - have on the educational environment of a school and student learning?
Darwin: Incorporate the supplied (linked) secondary materials by paraphrasing their arguments or part of their arguments, or by quoting a section of their arguments/key points. Do this in the main body of your essay (not the introduction or conclusion). Your goal is not to show that you've read the secondary materials per se, but that, having read the materials, your own argument/points have become more sophisticated and developed, because you have consulted authoritative wisdom about the topic you are working on. It is, of course, possible to dispute such �authoritative wisdom.�
? Definitely note that I have not quantified how many times you should quote or paraphrase or refer to a secondary source's argument. I'm asking you to develop your own analytical ideas and then judiciously incorporate outside ideas/sources. That said, no more than 20% of your paper should be quoted material, whether from the main texts or secondary sources.
? You have to know what your argument is and y
In economic history there have been many great Economists who have developed theories, concepts and ideas which have improved our economy to a great degree. Below are five very influential and important economists:
I tried to include a diverse group so that at least one will spark your interest. Please look at the Wikipedia link to get some brief information on them, but use Wikipedia only as a starting point in your research and DO NOT include Wikipedia as a reference in your papers. Wikipedia is a great place for information, but should not be used as a source in academic writing. The issue is that anyone can edit it so please use this only as a starting point. In your paper you should:
- Discuss the different economic principals and theories of the person of your choice.
- Why is this person important?
- Why are their theories important?
- Have they helped or hurt our economy?
- If they were alive today, what do you think they would suggest as an economic plan for our economy?
- Wo
Create a four (4) page brochure, newsletter, or presentation in which you:
1. Provide a brief overview of the religion (hindu, islam, or judaism) you selected that includes:
a description of the central beliefs of the religion.
a description of the sacred text(s) of the religion.
the origin of the religion, including key figures associated with the religion, if applicable.
2. Choose one (1) of the following examples of how the religious beliefs are demonstrated today:
Major festivals (i.e. Easter Procession, Diwali).
Forms of meditation (i.e. prayer, yoga).
Rites of passage (i.e. marriage, funerals).
3. Describe the festival OR meditation OR rites of passage:
Identify the country or countries where practiced.
Identify the participants and their roles.
Explain how the practice is rooted in the beliefs of the religion.
Identify whether any sacred texts are associated with the practice and if so, explain how the text is used as part of this practice.
4. Write an �About the Author
Watch the CBS “60 minutes” segment called “The Cost of Dying.” found at the following link:
After you have watched the video answer the following questions:
Do you agree or disagree with the physician who was interviewed in this segment? Explain your position, either pro or con.
Do you believe that medical services should be rationed to the elderly? Explain your position, either pro or con.
What do you think should be done to deal with this issue in the future? What is the nurse's role in all of this?
In the twenty-first century music downloads directly to your computer, phone or MP3 player has become as popular as buying CDs. It's cheaper and individual has a choice to pay for each track or download a certain amount of music per month for free. There are plenty of different sites that allow to buy music online or get some free legal tracks, but there are users of other sites who share copyrighted music using file-sharing networks, thereby breaking the law. Music piracy can be defined as the stealing of music. The difinition of internet piracy it the practice of using the internet to illegally copy software/music/video and pass it on to other people. (Cambridge University Press. 2011.) One scenario could be burning a copy of CD for friend or yourself. Also, downloading music from the Internet if the song's royalties are not paid. As well, recently has spread listening to music online without downloading it. For example, music piracy can be defined as the stealing of music. Even befo